A Walk in the Woods [MF]

“Hurry up! What’s taking you so long?”

Matt zipped up his backpack and shut the trunk to the car. He walked toward the trailhead, where Tara was practically vibrating with excitement.

“I swear, you’re worse about getting ready than most girls. It’s not like we’re climbing Everest here. It’s a four-mile hike.”

Tara poked at Matt’s backpack, which he had filled with snacks, sunscreen, extra water, a towel, and a first aid kit. Better to be over prepared than the other way around, right? He was about to make exactly that point aloud, when he realized Tara had already started walking down the trail.

Matt stood for a moment longer, admiring his friend’s tight little ass, which was just barely concealed by her shorts. Stopping suddenly, Tara turned around and grabbed the bottom of her tank top, lifting it up to reveal her almost comically undersized sports bra before quickly putting it back down.

“Come on already!”

Tara turned back to the trail, feigning impatience with a hand on her hip. Matt smiled to himself. It was going to be one of those kinds of days. He felt his dick suddenly shift in his shorts in anticipation of whatever his friend had cooked up.