I 20[F] had the best sex for my 20th birthday :)

So I recently turned 20 and I had a really great day to celebrate. I’m still recovering a little haha but I had some spare time and wanted to add it into my Reddit diary. My entire day was great, not just the sex.

I woke up a little later than usual and had a good rest from the night before. I had a pretty quiet start to the morning and went to my favourite coffee shop. I had plans with my friends for later on and then with my fwbs later in the night so I was pretty excited. Replied to the happy birthday texts as usual and spent ages on the phone with my friends.

When I got back to my place my younger brother facetimed me and wished me as well. It was the CUTEST thing ever and I started to cry a little when he told me he missed me. He is 7 years old and honestly is the most adorable person EVER 🥰! I’ve always been super close with him since I’m not that close with my older brothers. I wasn’t expecting it and it really made my day 🥺! My parents wished me as well and I told them I was just gonna have a quiet night in with friends (they are pretty religious and would go crazy if they found out I have casual sex 🥴). But yea it was nice catching up with them after a while.

I (19f) broke my Ramadan fast with cum [MF]

So I’m not religious at all lol but my family (especially my dad and my older brothers) is super strict, so I have to ‘pretend’ to be religious. Since moving to college I can do whatever I want and it has been so liberating and fun. A while back, I visited my family in Austin and it was really fun to catch up with my old friends there.

My family is observing Ramadan and they fast for really long hours. I also had to fast to keep up with the whole religious act (tummy became even more toned so yay!). So there’s this guy I hook up with whenever I visit my family and we arranged to meet up whilst I was in the city. My family break their fast in the evening so I had to be back in time.

I wasn’t really in the mood for sex tbh since I was SO FUCKING HUNGRY (honestly the final couple hours are the worst) but I thought eating his cock would help with my hunger (I’m bad at jokes pls don’t be mean 🥲). Long story short we fucked and he finished in my mouth. I swallowed so technically I broke my fast with cum 😌. Made it back home in time to ‘properly’ break the fast with my family so everything worked out in the end!

I (19F) have been hooking up with the sweet, shy nerdy guy in my class (20M) [MF]

Hiiiieee!!!! So I made a post a while back about sucking off this super cute nerdy guy in my class. Well let’s just say he’s been absolutely fucking adorable about it and is just so sweet. We’ve sort of become besties and I’ve been bringing him along to other events to help him socialize more and have been introducing him to other friends.

This guy is so sweet. He gives me hugs whenever he sees me, he gives me chocolates 🥺, he always asks me how I am feeling and is just super nice to be around. He keeps thanking me for helping him socialize since he is very shy and is just super respectful. He has never mentioned sex and has never asked me to hook up with him again unlike other guys. I’ve really never met a guy like him. He’s so intelligent and funny once he opens up and he is just so different to all the other guys. I had really been wanting to hook up with him but I didn’t want to rush things since he is super shy and I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable.

I was gangbanged by my FWBs [F]

AHHHH I’m back lol! Sorry for not posting in a while…just been a bit busy 😇.

So this had been in the works for a while now but it finally happened! I arranged a gangbang with my FWBs that I see regularly. It was the most number of guys I’ve hooked up with at once and I’m just curled up in bed rn sore as fuck 😭😭😭 but I’ll try my best to type this all out :)

So I created a group a while back and added all my FWBs into it since we were all down for a gangbang. The group was jokes lol we would just be sending each other funny memes about what would happen and it just made me more excited. We decided to meet at Brad’s place and since the FWBs in the gangbang were mostly from college classes I was comfortable around them all. I literally had butterflies in my stomach on the day since I had never hooked up with so many guys at once before so it was quite overwhelming for me. I got ready and wore my favourite strappy heels 🥰🥰 and went over. When I got there everyone had already arrived and we chatted for a bit. I told them I had no idea wtf I was meant to do with so many guys lol but they were super helpful and helped me ease into it. Basically I would start off with one guy whilst the others join in bit by bit.

I (19F) sucked off the shy nerdy guy (20M) from college [F][M]

So there is this super clever dude in my college who is quite geeky. He helps me out in classes but we don’t really hang out outside. I thought he had his own group of friends that he talks to about whatever nerds like lol, but I found out that he was actually really lonely and doesn’t have friends. He is super shy and introverted and I guess that’s why he finds it hard to socialize.

I felt bad for him since he is a super sweet guy so I invited him to a party recently. He told me he had never been to a party before in college and I just said it didn’t matter and he would have fun. So he turned up to the party and I introduced him around and at first he was really nervous to meet people but eventually warmed up and was having a great time.