A solitary stupid slut and an empty house [NB 32]

(For some reason this was deleted from stupid sluts club, so I’m reposting it here!)

I used to be involved with a lot of very kinky people & loved living the polyamorous lifestyle. This all changed when I met my current partner almost a decade ago. She is mostly monogamous and not very kinky. In theory we have an open relationship, but in practice I know she struggles with it, so don’t want to make her sad. I love her and she is my favorite person ever….

…However there are days when I really miss kink, cock and being an absolute slut.

Thats where reddit comes in. Listening to audio porn and reading other peoples adventures really scratches that itch. Every so often I go further down the rabbit hole and find a new board. Eventually I ended up perusing r/fapdeciders … eventually I found myself posting there too…

The first time someone put something up my ass… With a bonus audience!

This story is loosely based on something that happened many years ago when I was younger, more naive, and about a stone lighter (not that I’ve ever been skinny!) I’ve embelished it, changed a few details and names. I’ve also left out some boring bits. Oh and please don’t use moisturizer as lube.

As so many of my stories start, this took place when I was at uni, me and a couple of friends had had a couple (OK quite a lot) of drinks after helping my bestfriend Ann move into her new place. It was your typical student house. Plain white walls, a mysterious stain on the ceiling just to the left of the ikea paper lampshade, badly laid wood print lino, that same tired wipe clean couch that sticks to your skin and seems to live on every student house. Add to that a pile of moving boxes, a lot of empty drinks bottles & four students piled on that sofa with me sat on the floor slowly turning bright red as my best friend starts telling her course mates about the butt plug she persuaded me to buy…

My first forray into [public] [nudity] (very mild) [F29][shy]

I live in a house that is a few miles from our nearest villiage, its mostly down quiet country lanes so I generally walk rather than drive.

Anyway a few weeks back I’d been reading stories on here all morning and got myself a bit *ahem* hot. Anyway I needed to realised I had to pop to the shops, so figured I would put my laptop away and come back to certain tabs later…

As I’m walking I keep thinking about different stories and how I wish I was brave enough to act on some of those fantasies. My walk takes me down one lane (more of a farmers track tbh.) that I’ve hardly ever seen anyone else use… I stopped as an idea started forming in my head… no-one comes down here… I got that nervous sort of feeling just like before you talk to a big group of people, mixed with that stupid energy you get when you’re a little too horny for your own good…