Had sex with a vulnerable girl [MF]

So this happened in 2011 as I was studying abroad in Malaysia. This story has backstory about me and back story to hookup. If you want to skip them follow ***.

*** Backstory about me ***

I am from a country which the relationship between girl and boys outside marriage was Taboo. It started to get a bit better since 15 years ago, boys and girls had relationship but was mostly hidden from families and of course authorities. Authorities had and still have the power to ask you to stop you and asks you question about who are you with and even detain you if you are not related or they would feel like to. Overall a shitty country.

But in all my years of dating different girls, I was once stopped by the police whom I got in no trouble because of my confidence and straight and decisive answers. I drink but I did not and have not smoked. Drinking was and still is illegal in my country. But that does not stop the guys and girls like me to drink. We had access to almost every brand of alcohol and even better the handmade ones. The handmade wine was awesome, much better than the ones I buy now (in Europe) from supermarkets. The handmade vodka was a bit different depending from whom to buy. Anyway, I had this dealer which had some of the best handmade vodkas and another dealer for famous alcohol brands. Normally we have bought the bottled alcohol for parties when girls were present and the cheap and handmade ones when there were only guys.