Crossing the Line, part 1 (M29/F28)

My first ever story here, entirely fictional but based on real (though exaggerated) people and a very vivid series of dreams that I’ve had…
All characters are 18+

*boop beep* The discord notification jolted me out of my work trance. A smile crept onto my face when I saw the DM from Jen. “Heyy, how’s your day going?”

I met Jen, her boyfriend Eric, and others though work a few years ago. I was welcomed into the existing friend group and we’d all regularly hang out. I was closest with Eric, but became closer with Jen when the three of us and my girlfriend Ashley started playing online computer games together. Eric wasn’t on too often though. Jen and I got really into the game so we’d message about it a lot. Conversations quickly became more personal and eventually bordering on inappropriate, but we were just joking around… mostly.

My heart started beating faster as I glanced over to Ashley working on her computer at the other side of the living room. I type my reply, “Eh, the usual. Boring work and frustrating personal life. You?”

“Still not having sex?” she was quick to reply.