My weekend hall pass with another redditor [MF]

Bear with me as this is my first time posting here and literally recovering from this weekend’s activities. I’m married and have a “don’t ask don’t tell” policy with my hubby that we act on every now and then. We had made plans to go into the city this past weekend and had booked a hotel room. He had a family thing come up and told me to enjoy myself in the city. So what’s a girl to do? Exactly! Create a throwaway on Reddit and see what comes up right?

I posted on Friday. Received over 100+ responses from the usual types. Lots of “Hey” or just “Hi” messages telling me nothing. Which I typically ignore. And of course a ton of dick pics with little effort in the message. It took awhile but I finally found a response that piqued my interest and he responded back pretty quickly. “M” is also married and had the weekend free. He sent some pg pics and I really liked what o saw. We chatted the day away pretty much all Friday and made plans for Saturday afternoon coffee.