[FM] nude beach dare to run naked across the parking lot

I’m at a nude beach one summer, a weekday morning. I forgot if I was in between jobs or if I was allowed to work from home, but nonetheless, you gotta take advantage of this free time.

It’s still early in the morning, I just got done doing a few laps, I’m ready to head home and do some work. I’ve already toweled off, but it’s nice to do a final walk around naked. There was a girl across the grass from me, that had arrived about an hour after me, and she was a little preoccupied with her dog.

White skinny brunette in her 20s. Big A or small B cups? Pointyish. Pale smooth skin, but not sickly pale. Hourglass shape…well that’s an automatic if you’re skinny. She had a leashed dog, don’t know what breed, I’m more of a cat person. At least it’s not one of those stereotypically annoying breeds that’s yipping high pitched noises constantly.