[MF] I trained her to cum when I snapped my fingers or; how we closed the orgasm gap at our own pace

Layla was a petite black woman in her early 20’s. We’d met at a local dive one night after chatting on tinder. To our surprise, it was karaoke night and the more we drank, the more willing we both became to give it a shot. Drinks turned into singing, singing turned into laughing. She’d seemed tightly wound at the start, or maybe just a bit nervous. She told me she’d grown up in the church and had only recently tried to get away from it. She was still living with some church friends and to them, even being on tinder was an act worthy of gossip. She’d had to lie about our date, saying she was staying with family for the night. She told me she’d been with a few guys before and was looking to gain more experience. She was moving into a new phase of her life and wanted different things. I was just happy to help out.

[M] Hooking up with my Lesbian co-worker

I was 20 when I met K. I’d taken a seasonal gig at some shitty big box store over the holidays in a pinch. After sweating through my first couple days, she’d spotted me and been more or less the only one who backed me up when I inevitably needed help. We were fast friends and she ended up introducing me to some other people she hung out with from the store, namely her girlfriend G and their other friend, A. Despite being a shamelessly horny 20 year old, finding out that K was a Lesbian instantly shut my mind off to the possibility of trying to sleep with her. I’d never knowingly met anyone who was gay to that point, but in my mind a relationship was a relationship. And seeing as I wasn’t attracted to A, we instead formed a neat little friend group.