Thoughts on if this. Should I write more?

I write for fun and ended up with this short piece of work that i did as a request from a friend that’s too far away to touch. Ended up being a really fun exercise in writing. She loved it and I wasn’t sure if this is something that would be worth expanding.
I find most of these tend towards the female perspective because that is also the reader and tried to play to my audience but stuck with the male perspective. Let me know, any constructive criticism is welcome.

I smiled as I lay there that night, staring up at the ceiling, sounds of the city filtering through the sound of her breathing. It had a small crack that ran from one wall across the corner and to the next. My smile widened as she unconsciously nuzzled further under my arm. It felt good, just…right.

I don’t know what I expected when I walked into the bar that night, but it wasn’t this. I’m not what you would call a bar person, but when you see a place called the Rabbit Hole, well, sometimes you just have see how deep it goes. My mind drifted into that space between being awake and sleep, thoughts the color of dreams. And I remembered.