[FM] Summer night sex club

Being in a sexually charged atmosphere with so many delicious people surrounding you is so amazingly hot. And I really miss it. I was thinking back to a specific experience last year and wanted to share.

We wanted to go to a sex club. Mostly for exhibitionist reasons, but also because you never know what fun people you’ll meet (and fuck) there. My boyfriend Jake wanted to take me out to a nice dinner first though. He had me meet him at Terra in Tribeca. It was a warm evening, and so all I wore was a jog bra and skirt. Summer in the city and whatnot, nobody batted an eye, despite the fact that my nipple bars were clearly visible.

The small plates were delicious. Jake picked out a nice pinot grigio that went down way too easily. Second bottle did as well. When it was time to pay the check, we had a nice buzz going on, and instead of taking an Uber to the club, we decided to walk. It was only about a mile, and the summer evening wind in my hair felt amazing.