There’s a first time for everything. [MF]

I’ve never been the kind of girl that cheats. It’s just not who I am. I need to start out by saying this because this whole thing seems so much worse if you don’t know that.

I started working with Cole at the same time my husband did. We got jobs at the same restaurant at the same time. Initially, I was supposed to work the day shift and wouldn’t have had much interaction with Cole at all if my husband had just gone to work. He, however, has a terrible work ethic and after working there for two weeks called out for 9 days straight, leaving me to work doubles and cover for his ass.

At first I was pissed about it. Not only was he an ass at home, but now he was making me work 16 hour days to cover for him. Enter Cole. Cole was 43 years old. Three years older than my dad and twice my age.