Random Acts of Intimacy #2 – Blindfolded by a stranger [FM]

It’s about 11:30PM on a Thursday night. I’m at my neighbors’ apartment enjoying a glass of wine, listening to vinyl, and talking about sexuality when I get an email notification on my phone. I was expecting a few important work emails so I discreetly pull up my inbox. It’s a response on Reddit to my RAOMD blindfolded by a stranger fantasy. It’s well-written, with the perfect amount of detailed eroticism that leaves me wanting more. I already know I’m going to respond to this man before I get to the bottom of his message, which he signs off with, “I can be to yours in 20. – AJ.” I let out a chuckle. The audacity.

I had been planning to meet another redditor to fulfill my fantasy earlier that day, someone I chose from the first few hundred messages. We chatted for a while and set a date to meet the following week. Conversation flowed, chemistry felt good, he seemed like a solid candidate. But the day of, he went MIA for almost 3 hours before we were supposed to meet. He resurfaced eventually, got defensive when I explained that good communication is 90% of this experiment, and my fantasy was ruined for the evening – maybe forever.