Christmas feast.. [gangbang] [cumplay]

I had one wish this year, and I had made it clear from September onwards that not getting it was not going to be an option.
My husband was never into half the things that festered in my filthy mind. I could see from his face when I first told him about my cravings for a room full of men, that although he hated the idea, he loathed my unhappiness more so.
So here I was arriving home, the last Friday before Christmas, to a note and gift box on the kitchen table. His handwriting clear and precise..

*’be clean and ready for 9pm, clothing choice is not important, but wear this.’*

Finding his secret..

He posted a meme on Facebook, when I say he I mean him, that guy I’ve pretty much fantasised over for two decades since leaving school. He’s a him because I dare not even say his name in my head without picturing his smile and getting lost in my thoughts like the schoolgirl daydreaming in class that I once was.
Ive seen him around town a couple of times a year, once in my efforts to wave I nearly crashed my car into him. He thought it was funny, but I’m the one who nearly died that day… Of embarrassment.

Anyways, the meme. Nothing too funny, but it was shared from reddit rather than uploaded, a copy and paste of browser text as you do. And being me, I clicked on it, hearted it, as I do everything he posts.. But then, in the comments on reddit I saw his style, his instantly recognisable (to me anyway) way of wording things. His profile was NSFW.

Oh god, was it NSFW..