[MF] The only thing she wanted is to not want it.

Warning: This story is entirely about casual yet wholesome rape.

This small collection of stories is a love letter to my favorite sex toy. I met her when she was 22 and all she knew of sex was slow missionary and the ineffectual humping of a puppy-dog college boyfriend. She was shy, sweet and oh so bashful about anything naughty until I tied her hands to my headboard and forcibly ate her out at the end of our first date. She tried to say no, but the sound that actually left her mouth was a groan. She came in fourteen licks, while I was still warming up my tongue, and when she caught her breath afterwards all she could do was look at me and blush at how hard she had gotten off. That’s how we met, and that pretty much set the tone for how sex would be for the rest of the relationship.

[MF] Cutting off clothes — Consensual Non-consent

(My partner and I enjoy role-playing consensual non-consent/rape-play scenarios. They are a staple part of our sex, along with a lot of kinky variety. Everything done here was consensual.)

About two months ago, my [mid-20s M] darling little cum-hungry slut of a submissive [mid-20s F] put some old PJs in a pile of clothes to be donated. I fished them out and told her to keep them and wear them the next time that she wanted me to rape her. She turned pink, but stashed them away at the bottom of her closet.

Fast-forward to last weekend. We had threesome plans that fell through, and were both incredibly frustrated and a little on edge. She had spent part of the previous evening tied to a chair, Hitachi on her clit, and a remote control in my hand, and so was in a submissive yet frustrated mood. While searching for something else, I spotted her old PJs on the closet floor. I fished them out, threw them (and a sleep mask) at her, and told her that she needs to take a nap.

I then left the room and made a cup of tea.

[MF] Consensual Non-Consent, Our First Full Experience

I [mid-20s M] have a long-standing interest in CNC and ravishment play; as does my partner [mid-20s F]. We had been role-playing ravishment scenarios for a long time, but we finally took things to a much higher level around two months ago.

A few days before it actually happened, I made her aware that she would be taken by surprise in the middle of the night. Naturally, I didn’t tell her when it would happen, just that she would wake up while being used, and that she should go with whatever I was whispering in her ear.

She’s always been submissive, and we’ve done plenty of dirty talk (during regular sex) where I pretend to be someone who is not her boyfriend fucking her. We’ve also done a lot of ravishment and fighting in bed, but never from a cold start. This would be our first time for both.

The night before, we enjoyed an hour of slow and rough lovemaking, ending in me ejaculating inside her. We fell asleep naked immediately after. I woke up at about two in the morning, and felt her shift on the bed next to me. For the next hour, I just lay next to her, flicking through stories from this subreddit. The room was silent apart from the sounds of her breathing slowly and regularly.

Losing [M]y virginity, and again in role-play

(This is a [MF] couple’s account, and I’m the guy.)

I lost my virginity just after my twenty-second birthday, much later than I would have liked. By that age, I had been thinking, dreaming, and craving sex for six years. Having few opportunities where I was, I sought refuge in reading about it; *if I couldn’t have it in real life*, I reasoned,* I can live it in fantas*y. I was living vicariously through second-hand experiences shared on [r/sex](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex), erotica, and pornography. I look back on those years as a maelstrom of frustration all blended together.

When six years is a quarter of your lifetime so far, it seems to drag on *forever*.

At age 21 ½, I was able to change my living situation, so I did. I flew for 24 hours, leaving my previous life behind. I arrived knowing nothing about the local culture, with the confidence of a man who has nothing other than confidence. I had my first date within the 7 days, my first kiss within 44 days, and about 224 days after touching down, I lost my virginity.