Lust in an Elevator [MF] [Cheating at work]

A few years back a job I was at had made a lot of new hire. One was a receptionist/office manager I’ll call Lindy. She was about 5’6, long red hair, gorgeous green eyes, great curves, and plenty to enjoy in the chest. After several months of annoyances and more than usual office drama we started chatting more and more on Skype to complain and just shoot the proverbial shit.

At the end of one long and frustrating week I joked about wanting to take out my stress on something jokingly. She replied, “You should fuck something.” I stared at my screen for a few minutes in shock, we had never gone that route in our casual chats for sure. Then she quickly replied “Sorry, that was wrong. I haven’t had time to enjoy myself lately.” We had both been working on shipments and logistics for something coming up and her hours were not being kind to her.

“If I didn’t have a ring on my finger I would gladly offer to solve that problem,” I joked knowing nothing about her and not wanting to reveal my scoundrel ways and intentions in the past (See My History).

Running Errands: The Morning After the Party [MF] [Cheating]

The morning following the [CAST PARTY] (, I bolted out to run my errands. We had a show that night, but that wasn’t the reason for my eagerness to get out. I texted Joey if I could drop off something she forgot last night after the show (half bs, half innuendo and she knew it but if my phone fell in the wrong hands it would just be nothing). She replied that she was so happy I remembered it and to bring over whenever.

Well, I was there in ten minutes and tapped her door. I had on a t-shirt and some shorts. She flung the door open and grabbed my shirt before I could see what she had on, and kissed me. Our lips were still instantly familiarizing themselves with each other. My arm was instantly wrapped around her waist. She had a shirt on, I can tell from my embrace. I ran a hand down and noticed the shirt was a long one and served as her sleepwear. I felt the outline of her ass and boyshorts as I held her and pushed her against a small table in her apartment. We broke our embrace and she smiled at me, “I was so worried it was the alcohol that caused last night.”

Cast Part [MF] [Cheating]

Reposting from my new account. Hope to put the other stories up soon and some more…much more.

I was at a party for some friends show. I’d helped out and done some backstage work with them during the rehearsals and run. I was drinking as one is want to do at a cast party to let go of all the hours you just threw into something. I went upstairs to get another plate of food since I was getting the drunk hungers. While waiting in line at the table I catch the eyes of Joey, she was one of the actresses and a sexy little creature. About 5’6, nice big smile behind some beautiful lips, green eyes, and long blonde hair styled from the show. She was wearing a black maxi dress that showed off her chest and her handful of B cups. She was smiling at me and I just grinned back. We had joked a lot leading up to the shows during long tech rehearsals and her downtime backstage. She was in a circle of conversation with some others and they were going on and on about some boring shit or stuff that was too high-brow for a drunk celebration.