Control Pt2: Jessica’s Return

Part Two: Jessica’s Return

I thought about him the whole of that week.

What he had done.

What I had let him do. 

I’d never let any man treat me like that before. As the days passed, I switched between being awed by the control he had over me, and being ashamed that I had given in so easily. I scolded myself regularly, angry at my stupidity. He was a stranger, some random guy in a bookshop, and I had been powerless to stop him from fucking me. He hadn’t even used a condom, for Christ’s sake! I’d never thought of myself as a slut before, but what else do you call a woman who fucks men in shops while her boyfriend is just a few feet away?

But I also knew it was more than that. It wasn’t just some seedy encounter; I don’t know how he managed it, but that man had effortlessly entered my mind and taken complete control of it. By the time he had pressed that incredible cock into me I didn’t give a fuck who saw or heard us – the only thing that mattered in the world was him. And then, when I was on the verge of cumming over him, when after just a couple of hard thrusts I was about to empty my soul from my pussy, when I felt like I had found my actual fucking purpose in life… he had pulled out, whispered in my ear, and walked out of my world.

The Games We Play


The only thing darker than the night I was driving through was the mood inside the car. Thandeka, my wife, hadn’t said a word to me since we had left the party. I could feel the fury boiling off her skin, even as she sat perfectly still in the passenger seat beside me. Outside a flash of lightning briefly lit up the soaking road.


The evening had started off so perfectly. Thandeka was a lawyer, and it was her firm’s annual outing – just the usual boozy, highbrow affair. She complained that those type of events were nothing more than a chance for the Boys Club to show off their trophy wives and compete with each other over who had made the most money that year. Standing in front of me putting on her makeup, naked apart from an exquisite pair of baby blue panties, she had winked at me and said that of course she made more than any of them. I didn’t doubt it; my wife is an exceptional woman. I had enjoyed watching her get ready, applying her makeup carefully until it was perfect, then dressing in a stunning, white designer dress that hugged her curves and contrasted perfectly with her brown skin. The final touch was a pair of startlingly high, bright red heels that I knew cost more than I made in a month.


It was my favourite bookshop, tucked away down a narrow alley just off the main shopping street. If you didn’t know it was there you would never have found it. A little gem known only to those who wandered from the usual retail route, the shop was nothing more than a permanently dusty window and a faded green door set into the burnished brickwork. No neon lights, no fluorescent BOGOF offers in the window, not even a sign above the door to indicate what lay behind it. But for anyone who turned the faded brass handle and stepped into the shadowy room beyond, a world of possibilities awaited.

I love books, and by extension I love bookshops. Doesn’t matter to me whether it’s one of the big chain stores or a smaller independent place – I just adore anywhere that offers me the chance to buy something new to read. You could say I’m addicted to the written word, amongst other things.

But this bookshop was one of a kind. Almost every other one I’d visited was well lit, with manicured displays, comfortable seats, defined areas for the various genres offered, coffee machines, fancy biscuits – I’m sure you know the type of place. Here, it was nothing like that. There was no attempt to enhance the ‘customer experience’ beyond offering them books to buy, and boy, the shop certainly did that.