Hot in the Saddle

Walking my dog, Bobby, is always something that makes me happy. We live deep in the countryside in a cottage you access by one of the many singletrack roads in my area. It’s a peaceful, chilled existence.

You might imagine that taking Bobby out along the road is easy, but I always have to be aware that a car might be coming round the next corner, hidden by the high hedges that line the road. Worse still, it might by a cyclist -usually a middle aged man or two wrapped in unfortunately figure-hugging clothing – approaching a bend at the same time we are. At least with car you can usually hear the engine. Bikes on the other hand are practically silent. 

Like I said, walking Bobby is a joy, but I can never let my guard down.

One day a few weeks ago we were out for the usual stroll, an hour of happiness before I needed to get home and start work. It was warm for the time of year where I live, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, Bobby was wagging his tail, and my world was pretty much perfect.

Convincing Alison [Slowburn]

It was 6.25pm and the light was just beginning to fade as I pulled my car into the McDonalds car park. I found a space as far away from the restaurant as I could, parked, and switched off the engine. I was five minutes early, and even though I wasn’t sure if she would show up, I was nervous, my heart beating fast and hard enough that I was aware of it. I took my hands off the steering wheel and wiped them on my trousers in an attempt to dry the sweatiness from my palms.

Nothing I was doing was illegal, but that didn’t change the fact that I knew it was wrong. There I was, a man in his mid-forties, sitting waiting on a girl who had only recently turned eighteen. Nothing that would get me in trouble with the law, but definitely something that would be shocking to anyone who knew me. It’s why I had been happy to leave the house three hours earlier and drive so far. I didn’t know anyone in this town, but still, you bump into people you know unexpectedly in all sorts of random places. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and said a silent prayer that this wouldn’t be one of those days.

Hardy Goes to the Gym

Hardy hit the heavy punchbag hard, blinking the sweat from his eyes as he focused on his combinations.

*Right, right, left, body, body, right, uppercut.*

The leather indented deeply with every hit, the bag swinging from the chain that connected it to the ceiling. He preferred to be as quick and mobile as his huge frame allowed, fists covered by red wraps rather than full gloves or even bag mitts. A lifetime of fighting meant that he hardly felt the impact of the blows on his knuckles, so conditioned were they to delivering punches.

He finished with a crunching uppercut that lifted the 200 pound bag a foot into the air, the chain slackening then bouncing wildly as the weight came back down. He steadied it with his hand as he regained his breath, looking around the gym.

When he had come in there were several dancing, slapping men using the punchbags but by the time he finished he was the only one, the rest of the patrons having drifted away from the man-mountain, intimidated by his size and intensity. He snarled at no one in particular, wiped the back of a hand over his wet forehead and walked the few steps to where his gym bag was sitting.

My Mrs (Sonia) Robinson

“Then go to your bed, Patrick! Jesus, just cause you’re a boring old bastard doesn’t mean I have to be. The night is young, and so am I!”

It was the culmination to a loud, slurred argument my Uncle Patrick and ‘Aunt’ Sonia had been having since they staggered through the door, blazing drunk, about twenty minutes ago. I’d sat uncomfortably on the couch through it all, pretending to be engrossed in something on my phone as their voices got louder and louder. 

I was staying with them for a few days while I looked for an apartment of my own in the town. Uncle Patrick had suggested it when he heard I’d been offered a job in the area.

“In today’s market you need to be quick, son,” he’d said over the phone a few weeks ago, after my mum insisted I give him a call. “As soon as the decent places get listed they’re filled. You need to be ready to strike or you’ll end up living in a shithole. Me and your auntie have got a spare room that you’re welcome to.”

A Christmas Gift From My Sister: Part 3

Parts 1 & 2 are in my recent posts. You’ll find them if you click on my username. You can read this as a standalone, but it’s probably better if you read them in order.

Anyway, the story…

Becky had been on top of me, but after her orgasm courtesy of my mouth, she had slid off me and was lying by my side. I could feel her hair spread across my thigh, could still feel the sensation of her mouth and throat around my now deflating cock.

We lay like that, brother and sister side by side in the darkness, probably like countless other siblings had done before. The only difference was that I doubt many of them would have had the taste of each other’s cum in their mouths. Or maybe they would have. I was finding out a lot of things about my big sister that night that I hadn’t even dreamed would have been true before she told me. 

“Becky,” I said, turning on my side and stroking the side of her thigh. “What did you mean by that? What is it I don’t know the half of?”

Sometimes You Just Want To Be Used

Cindy Braxton tilted her glass back high to get the last of her vodka and coke from the bottom, enjoying the chill of the ice cubes as they pressed against her lips. She placed it, now empty of alcohol, down on the table. The cubes probably rattled, but it was impossible to hear them over the noise inside the bar. Frank’s was busy that Friday night, full of people out celebrating this or that, getting a buzz on to see them into the weekend, Monday morning nothing more than a background anxiety they would ignore until Sunday evening.

It was the usual collection of young and old, the former almost wild-eyed in their determination to enjoy the alcohol and the company, the latter a bit more subdued, this Friday night just another one to add to the hundreds that had gone before. 

At 38, Cindy hovered somewhere around the middle of the spread of ages before her, but her mentality was definitely with the older folks. She had been coming to Frank’s every Friday night for close to twenty years. Her husband, Craig, loved the place. Loved that he knew half the clientele by name, and that some of them even knew his. So, at the end of the week, Frank’s was where they went once the babysitter turned up to take charge of their two kids, sit her fat backside on the couch, and drink some of their liquor.

A Christmas Gift From My Sister: Part Two

“It doesn’t change anything,” Becky said. “I mean it, Jack. We did what we did, and don’t get me wrong, I really fucking enjoyed it, but that’s all that’s ever going happen.”

It was about ten minutes after the text from our parents revealed that we would be spending the night alone in the cabin. It was also about ten minutes since I had watched her finger herself to orgasm just a few feet away from me. I remembered watching a little bit of my cum land on her thigh, and thought about how it would still be there, drying on my sister’s skin.

My cock was soft in my boxers, but that image sent a little pulse of desire through it.

“I know,” I replied. “Just looking. No touching. You said already.”

“Fuck!” she shouted, dropping her head into her hands. “We shouldn’t have done anything! You’re my little brother, for Christ’s sake. What the fuck were we thinking?”

I know what I was thinking; I wonder how wet her panties are right at this second. Are they sticking to her? Is she aware of her wetness? How would she smell if I got down on my knees right there and then and pressed my nose against them? Would she stop me if I did?

The Power of Ritual

Every couple has their little rituals, small things they do together that reinforce the bond between them. Consciously they might not even recognise them as being rituals. Maybe it’s how they prepare and eat food, or the steps they go through at bedtime; small details of their familiarity with each other, repeated over and over until they become essential to who they are as a couple.

It’s only when one of them isn’t there that the absence of the comfort those synchronised moments offer is noticed. One of them visits family and stays overnight, and bedtime suddenly feels lonely, cold even. They stick to their half of the routine as normal, but the edges feel ragged, because there’s no matching cog for them to fit into, no reassuring echo in the darkness that the presence of their partner usually offers.

Ritual isn’t just a part of love – it is the key to it.

My wife and I are aware of this truth. Over the eight years we’ve been together we have worked at being aware of the rituals borne of familiarity. We’ve nurtured them, sustained and developed them until their strength has become the heartbeat of our singularity. They are the dances we slip into that turn the mundane into the powerful, the steps and rhythm invisible to all but us.

A Christmas Gift From My Sister

“If anything, I think it’s getting worse.”

Becky, my sister, was peering out the window of the cabin at snow that I had no doubt was falling in big, pillowy flakes, just as it had been for the past few hours. 

“They’ll make it,” I said. “Mum will make dad drive through actual hell to get here. You know what she’s like. A little bit of snow isn’t going to stop her perfect Christmas from happening.”

Becky turned away from the window and walked back over to the couch across from the comfortable wingback armchair I was sitting in, glass of red in her hand.

“I hope so,” she said, dropping down into the seat. “But honestly, Jack, I’m not so sure. You can’t even see the road anymore. It’s completely white outside.”

Olivia: A True Story

I’ve written a few erotic fiction stories before but this one is different, because it isn’t fiction. Every word you are about to read happened exactly as I have described.

It happened a few years ago. I was bored in my life, so I decided to put an advert up in the personals section of a well known listing site. Honestly, I didn’t expect much to happen, much less have one of the best experiences of my life.

The title of the advert was something like ‘Sir Seeks Obedient Pupil’. In it I explained that I was dominant by nature, and was looking for someone submissive to explore with. I wasn’t looking for some bullshit 50 Shades imitation – I wanted someone who was willing to surrender themselves to me pretty much instantly. 

I know – I can hear the BDSM community gasping in horror. What about respect and limits and safe words?! All fair enough, but I wasn’t interested in the theatricality of the lifestyle – I just needed to release some of the noise in my head, and for that to happen I needed to jump straight to me being in total control.