Oh what a night [MF] long

Long time reader but first time contributor so be nice please!

One summer night when I was 19 (13 years ago!!) I was out in Edinburgh with friends when we bumped into a large group of older men. One of my friends Dads was there so we headed over for a chat and they bought us a few rounds of cocktails. There was a guy with them who looked much younger than the others, he looked mid to late 30s dark hair and very handsome in a suit and a white shirt but no tie. We kept catching each other’s eye and I was starting to think he wasn’t going to speak to me but just as we were leaving he came up behind us and walked towards the door, just as we got outside and my friends were heading off one way up George Street he whispered in my ear that he would love the chance to get to know me better and would I like to go for a drink. I turned round and looked at him in the light, he was gorgeous and just my type and I knew we were going to have a fun night!