My Experience With A Remote Controlled Sex Toy 24 [F]

About 4 years ago, I was regularly dating a guy who was a bit adventurous sexually. So one day he presents me with a remote controlled sex toy and wants me to insert it and give him the remote. It sounded like lots of fun but we had guests coming for a barbecue. He reminded me that we still had about 3 hours before guests would arrive, giving us a couple of hours for playtime and still have plenty of time for a shower afterward.

I agreed to give it a try and the fun began. The remote only had 4 buttons and it took a few minutes to figure out because it had lots of functions and speeds. There were 2 buttons that were basically forward and back buttons that you pressed to scroll through the various functions and the other two changed the speed. He hadn’t completely figured out the buttons when I realized that this toy was my best friend. The various combinations of functions and speeds gave a crazy variety of sensations, the strongest of which would bring, within seconds, the kind of orgasm that causes involuntary thrashing about, screaming, eye rolling and intermittent paralysis of the lower limbs. By now you probably have an idea where this is going, but I’ll proceed anyway.

[F] 24F A Small Laugh

This confession, while somewhat adult oriented is more funny than exciting. It was extremely embarrassing that the time but fortunately the other party was kind and kept the secret so now I can look back and laugh. It’s a long post but hopefully the laugh will be worth the read.

About a year ago, maybe a little less, I had a friend from college who was trying to turn her photography hobby into a side hustle. She came to me and asked to photograph me and of course I said yes. The photos were pretty tame, the most revealing photo was wearing a swimsuit. A couple of others hinted at a little cleavage, or created the illusion that I was wearing less than I actually was. For example I was wearing a man’s button down shirt and the way I was sitting it looked like I was wearing nothing underneath but actually I was wearing pajama shorts and pasties. She reached out to me about a month later thanking me and said she had gotten a number of paying gigs with boudoir shoots because the clients was impressed with my photos. She said that because I had helped her, she would give me a free photoshoot of any type and she would release all files and copyrights to me. I confess that I was struggling at the time due to the COVID crisis drastically reducing my income and I hadn’t recovered yet and had the idea to do an extensive boudoir shoot and sell some photos. A friend agreed to sell my photos for a percentage and he would crop my face from any sold. I was pleased with how much money I had coming in daily, and was thankful because I wasn’t crazy about earning money that way and it looked like I would be able to stop selling soon once I had a bit of cash saved.