One for my baby and one for the road… creampie and tears [f/m]

I'm going to apologize for this post ahead of time. This post will involve feelings and it won't be all sexy hot but it's important I share some place. I have to get it out of me so it doesn't eat me up inside. Please be gentle.

I have been seeing a Marine for the last couple of months. Short but sexy, washboard abs, cute little ass- gorgeous brown eyes, dark hair and tan skin. I'm a big girl, blue eyes, blond, grabbable tits and big ass. Next to him I feel like an amazon. Both of us are hot for each other. Our sexual chemistry is like fireworks. The weekend before Thanksgiving we fucked each other's brains out for 6 days in a row. New record for us. Snow cock blocked us this past weekend. I only saw him Saturday and last night.

We had a pretty serious convo on Monday night about our sexual history and he tells me what he went through as a boy. I don't want to get into it, suffice it to say, he was pretty messed up as a kid and it's heart breaking but it was intimate. He was teased as a kid and was trying to get girls to like him.

Dining in the garden of black cherries- [M/F]

I'm back! I have a few stories already posted about my marine buddy

A few nights ago he was texting me

M (marine) : Can I ask you a favor.. request?

S (Schmidt): You may ask but I can't guarantee anything

M: I'm shy but I'm just going to say it. I have been wanting to try anal… I apologize for being direct

S: I noticed. You've been "accidentally" poking me in the ass for weeks.

I told him at those moments if he wanted it he'll have to let me get ready in advance. I don't know why he was so worried about a no. Anal was never off the table. I just want to be prepared.

M: I've been dying to ask you…. Please

S: I tried to do it with a toy once and it didn't hurt but I found it boring. Maybe it will be different with a partner.

M: I would never make you do something you were uncomfortable with. That's not me. Straight anal is as taboo as it gets.

Tonight we beat the pizza guy! [M30/ F39]

This is a bit of a fun story. Tonight my Marine buddy came over for a few hours and we watched Supernatural. I wasn't a fan before I met him but the show is growing on me.

We were on the bed with me laying next to him while he sat on the edge and texted his cousin -an active duty Marine- who was back stateside for a week. I was enjoying the smell of his cologne and the closeness. I leaned my head on his side and he chuckles. (He has this adorable chuckle that doubles as approval.) He puts out his hand and we hold each others hands while we watch the TV. We conditioned each other to fuck first and then hang out so this time he was just driving me crazy with his presence while we watched TV.

I positioned myself further up the bed and lean on my right arm. I put my left hand on his knee, and gently rub his right thigh… trying to stay casual. I drift my hand further and further up, drawing circles with my fingers. I stop right at the crook of his thigh and wait for a reaction – still drawing gentle and casual circles. After a few minutes he takes my left hand with his right and places his left over it. He then plays with my finger tips. We hold hands and snuggle throughout the episode, pausing to text or scratch ourselves.

Sunday night with my Marine buddy… I can’t even wrap my head around it [M,F]

Yesterday night he came over to my place. We watched a couple of episodes of Supernatural. I notice his non-matching socks. He tried to hide his feet for a second. It turns out he was trying to track down a pair of jumper cables for his car and he did it for good luck. I gave him a little shit for being superstitious but thought it was cute.

We held hands and leaned up against one another, our heads touching. In the middle of the second episode, we began talking about UFO's. He's a believer and I am a science loving skeptic. He starts to kiss my neck and sucks on my ear lobe while talking about what he learned. I lay back on the bed so we can look at each other.

I saw my fuck buddy tonight and it was so hot I have to spill [F,M]

Hi! I had written a couple of stories about my Marine fuck buddy – one was about the night we met and another when I sucked him off. Hold on, it's going to be long.

Friday last afternoon we had a steamy text exchange while I was waiting for my bus home from work. I told him about how I was playing with myself when I got home from seeing him Thursday – he asked how it felt because I help engage in his fetish so I described it in vivid detail – slippery, wet, I could still smell his skin and thought about his kisses and the way he teased me with his cock, how I curled my toes and thrashed on the bed when I came. He was turned on – "I'm at the grocery store and you're making me hard." I texted back "Sorry but you asked." Him: "No worries…." then "I did ask and that was hot"

I was getting so wet I practically soaked my panties.

I'm SG, he's M (for Marine)

SG: I'm afraid I'm going to leave a wet spot on the bus seat. I'm so turned on and the bus vibrates and hits bumps on the road. I don't know how I'm going to stay cool.

Giving head to my Marine friend [F/39][M/30]

I have a fantastic Saturday night a few weeks ago with my Marine. I wake up the next morning thinking of him. Of course I wanted to see if I could tease him… maybe even see him? I never performed oral love on him before and although it's intimate to me, I love to do it.

The scent of your cologne still lingers on my pillows. I think of how I desire your touch. I want to explore you with my mouth.

He responded to my text very quickly

That sounds really nice… I want that so bad

So I push the envelope

I'm very good.

I can brag,right?

He responds

oh are you, now I'm really hard

I can feel my pussy swell. I know I'm wet. I tell him. He tells me he's rock hard and begs to come over. NOW. He asks if I can make him cum with my mouth because that would be amazing. I suppose being on a battleship with a bunch of sailors and marines is pretty much a floating sausage party. He's solidly hetero and didn't dabble while on the ship. I stop teasing and tell him to come over.

[M/F] Two lonely people who needed to get laid badly, get laid well. [me, 39F][him 30/M]

So this year I received 2 bombshells on my 11 year marriage:

  1. He's not attracted to me any more. His dick works, I am his type but he won't fuck me.

  2. A few months later – he doesn't respond to texts, he comes home super late at night smelling of perfume. We have a hard talk and he wants a divorce. I cried for a week. The worst was on day 7. I was inconsolable. I wept at work the next day when no one was looking. I then realized, it was for the best. I was sex starved and I needed companionship. I will look for a FWB

On night 8 I put an ad out on Craigslist. If my marriage couldn't be saved, then I wasn't going one more day sex starved. I will fuck as many guys as it takes to find something passionate, fun and hot.

I get a ton of dic pics, a bunch of "do you like bbc?" (um the news organization?) and a pic of this hispanic guy who is sitting in front a radio mic, says he's got 6 pack abs and a military haircut. Ok… that's more like it.