Readers Vote D&D NFSW Story (In Progress Voting)

Here and over on my [AO3]( I’m doing an experimental Choose your own adventure audience vote story. In which the Audience votes on which characters “encounter” which creatures. Once only one pair remains the audience will decide their fate before the next work begins.

More details are on the [AO3]( I’ll make new posts here as the story continues, but will just update the AO3 version. First will be the character list followed by the setup and then the link the polls for the continuation. Don’t forget to vote!

Character List

**Frida The Elf Barbarian:** Frida is a wood elf, from the northern tribes. She joined the group to face powerful foes so that she may return and become the leader of her tribe.

**Highest Stat:** Strength 19

**Lowest Stat:** Wisdom 8

**Subclass:** Path of the Ancestral Guardian

**Height:** 6 ft. 3 in.

**Hair:** Black hair kept in short dreads and shaved on the sides.

**Description:** Frida is a tall and muscular warrior, her dark skin ties her to the forest tribes of her Wood-Elf heritage. Across her arms and torso, she carries runic tattoos which carry the history of her people so that she may add to that history with her journey before she returns to take up the chiefdom of her people

Long Rest Tidbits: Impatience [F/M, Couple, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex]

My first publicly available work posted on AO3 and the first part of a Fantasy Oneshots series of Erotica Works.

Link to source on AO3: [](

Wood creaked beneath the boots of the weary adventurers’ boots as they entered their darkened room. As the door shut Breyan twisted shut the lock and as the click of the latch resounded he began the agonizingly long process of removing his armor.

Across the room, Dahlia cast off her traveling cloak, pouches, and belts tossing them onto the small room’s lone desk. Left only wearing her button-up shirt and slacks, she steps to the room’s window gazing out through the moonlight at the people three stories below them. Unbuttoning her shirt, she closed the curtains half turning back towards her lover, still struggling to remove the pieces of his breastplate as he cast part after part aside.

“You almost finished?” She said with a toying smirk. As Breyan grimaced at her, he finally undid the last bits of his breastplate, tossing it to the side as he quickly removed the chainmail underneath. “I’ll be waiting for you,” she said as she slid off her slacks, dropping the last of her outer garments as she climbed onto the bed presenting herself to her occupied partner.