Rock Bottom [MF]

Disclaimer: This is an alternate point of view to my friend’s story [here](

I had reached the bottom. The construction company that I worked for had gone under and I was now unemployed. Instead of working hard to get a new job, I took to drinking, and now nobody would hire me. I’m not proud of it, but I had taken to stealing. Not violently, mind you, for what it’s worth. I would find upper-middle-class houses that were empty during the day, use my lock-picking skills to quietly break in, and help myself to some of the spoils of those more fortunate. Like I said, I’m not proud of it.

It’s what I was doing that fateful spring day. It was a Wednesday, the quietest day of the week. I had been sitting down the road from the house in question for several hours, and nobody had come or gone, so I decided to go in. The house was quiet, and felt empty, but I did a walkthrough just to make sure. The first floor was nice and tidy, they seemed to have some nice things so that was nice. When I got to the top of the stairs I thought I heard a bed creak from one of the bedrooms so I froze, but after several minutes decided it was nothing. I was a little freaked out still, and I almost turned around and went out, but decided there were too many nice things here to quit.

A Night To Remember – Part 2, Her Turn [MF Exhib, Public]

[Part 1](

I was naked and rock hard, in a room full of about 100 people, all clothed except me. I had moved the medal I had just won in the Jake’s bar wet boxers contest from where it was hanging on my cock to around my neck, but if I thought I was going to have the opportunity to put on some clothes, I was sorely mistaken. As I went to step off the stage to find my clothes, the announcer grabbed my arm and said, “Just a minute there good sir, we need your help with the next part. The winner of the wet boxers contest gets to be the water boy for our wet t-shirt contest!” Then he stepped up to the microphone and with a booming voice said, “And now it’s the ladies’ turn, let’s have all of our entries into the wet t-shirt contest step up to the table and get their outfits.”

A Night To Remember – Part 1, My Turn [MF Exhib]

I had a dad-bod, I admit it…I’m 42 and work in IT; but that was last fall. It had been October, and life had felt stagnant; Katie felt it too, I could tell. We had celebrated our twentieth anniversary and it was, well, depressing. The kids were out of the house, I worked too much, and both of us were feeling in a rut. So we decided to improve ourselves. We booked a Cancun vacation for April and had six months to get ready. We joined a gym, we went on dates, hikes, and weekend getaways to the beach. We got, as the young kids say it, “swoll”. Now don’t get me wrong, I had always found Katie to be beautiful, but she had, as she liked to say, never gotten off the weight from the last baby. So we both got into shape, and we looked pretty hot, if I do say so myself.

April finally came around and we couldn’t wait to get off the plane in beautiful warm Cancun. I had convinced Katie to bring some more risque swimming suits to show off her newly toned body, but still couldn’t believe that she had agreed. Our sex life had never been anything to complain about, but she had never been overly wild, despite my attempts through the years to get her to have sex on the beach, in the woods, or other more-public places.

Bank Robbery [MF][Public][Forced]

The last thing I wanted to do today was stop by the bank. It was the end of a long day at work and I just wanted to go back to my apartment and veg. But work had messed up my direct deposit and if I didn’t get that check deposited today it would mess up my bill pay; so here I was, fifth in line at the Wells Fargo. At least the scenery was nice, I thought. The bank was near a college so there were always some nice co-eds to look at while I waited.

“EVERYBODY FREEZE!!!” Oh shit, I thought, as everyone started screaming. Four big men with ski masks on had come through the door yelling and waving guns in the air. It was a takeover robbery, and I was stuck right in the middle. The one at the front had yelled the command, and he seemed to be the one in charge. “If everybody does exactly as we say,” he went on, “everyone will leave here today in one piece. We’re here for everything we can get, and we don’t want anybody hiding things or trying to sneak a phone call to the cops, so I’m going to need you all to take off your clothes.” The bank went silent as everyone gaped at the robber. After a moment of silence, everyone seemed to start talking and protesting at once.

Human Anatomy and Sexuality 101 – Week Four [MFF] [Threesome] [Exhib] [Mast]

Week 4 – Self-Stimulation

The Saturday after our third class happened to be my birthday, but when I woke up the house was empty. There was a note from my wife, Leslie, informing me that she had run out for a bit, but that she would be home shortly. Also that her sister Rachel would be coming home with her, so I should make sure that I was dressed when they got back. Joke’s on her, I thought with a grin, Rachel had not only seen me naked twice now during our last two classes, but I had eaten her out and she had helped jack me off. But I got dressed nonetheless, as Leslie was not aware of the personal nature of our Human Anatomy and Sexuality class.

When the girls got back they had all of the stuff for a barbecue, but suggested a dip in the pool before we started grilling. I went up and got changed into my suit, and they suggested I head to the pool while they got changed. When they came out the back door, they were both wearing what appeared to be new bikinis, and they were the smallest ones I had ever seen with tiny patches covering their nipples and pussies and strings everywhere else. “Happy Birthday,” they both said simultaneously with big smiles on their faces. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Was my wife really offering herself and her sister to me as a birthday present? I couldn’t wait to see where this was leading.

Human Anatomy and Sexuality Class – Week Three [MF][Exhib][HandJob][Oral][Squirting]

Week Three – The Reproductive System

The next week seemed to drag by; I couldn’t get my mind off last class, and how I ate out my sister-in-law Rachel and was given a hand-job by a complete stranger, who then proceeded to catch and swallow all of my cum like an expert. Thinking about it though made me a horn-dog at home, and my wife Leslie had never been happier. I probably should have felt guilty that I was being used as a live subject, along with her sister, for our Human Anatomy and Sexuality class, and maybe to some extent I did; however I justified it by telling myself that Leslie was benefiting from it as well, and my love for her had never been stronger. In my justifying mind, I had not technically had intercourse with another, and was therefore not cheating on her. I tried not to think too hard about what weeks 6 and 7 had in store for us in class.

Human Anatomy and Sexuality Class – Week Two [MF][Exhib][Oral][Repost]

Week Two – The Human Body

I got to class 20 minutes early the next week, and Kate and Rachel were already there. Rachel looked like I felt – nervous, queasy, excited (horny?). After exchanging pleasantries, Kate led us into a back room that was used for storage of old books and other supplies. There were two bath robes hanging on a hook on one of the walls next to some empty shelves. “We’re going to jump right in,” Kate started. “You two will strip completely naked, you can put your clothes here”, she indicated to the shelves. “Put on the robes, and wait for me to come and get you. Any questions?”

I knew this was coming, but I was hoping maybe we would ease into it a little…apparently I was wrong. “Kate,” I said quietly, almost hoping Rachel wouldn’t hear me, even though she was standing right next to us, “I have a, um, question. This is kind of awkward,” of course Rachel was hanging on every word, “but what if I get an erection?” Both ladies’ eyes went automatically to my crotch, where there was already a bulge forming in my pants, and then quickly back up to my face. Rachel giggled nervously, but Kate was nonplussed.

Human Anatomy and Sexuality Class – Week One [F][Exhib][Repost]

Part One – Introduction

It was my last semester of college, and damn was I ready to be done. Senioritis had set in years ago it felt, and at times I never thought I’d make it. One of my classes that semester was Human Anatomy and Sexuality, one that I had been purposefully putting off because I thought it was stupid that I, a Computer Science student, had to take it. Like most of mine these days, it was a night class as I had a full-time tech support job to support my wife and toddler. As I sat in the back row waiting for class the first night, I felt a backpack bump across the back of my head as someone walked by behind me. In annoyance I turned around, only to see the smiling face of Rachel, my wife’s little sister looking back at me. My annoyance instantly left, but I kept up the facade. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Birthday Present From the Wife & Babysitter [MFF]

I could never, in a thousand years, have guessed that I would be in this situation. I was naked, in the front seat of the car pulling into our garage. Next to me was my wife Kristen, who was also naked, sitting in the passenger seat. We were about to walk into our house where the babysitter, Becka would be most likely sitting at our table working on her college homework and the kids would, please God, be in bed. The ride home had been a blur; our clothes finding new homes along the side of the road and my gorgeous wife keeping me in a fairly constant state of arousal, despite having recently fucked her on the hood of the car in the restaurant parking lot. She had promised me a 40th birthday that I would never forget, and had already lived up to her word. But she clearly had more in mind.

“You’d better let me go in first,” she said as she pushed the button to close the garage door. “Seeing that first thing coming through the door,” she nodded at my 7” hard cock, “could give her a fright.”

“Does she know about any of this?” I asked incredulously.

Birthday Present From the Wife [MF][Pub][Exhib]

It was my 40th birthday, and so far it sucked. I had to go into work early for an overseas conference call, but to make up for it I got to stay late for another one. By the time I got done at 7:00 PM I had been there for over 13 hours. My wife had suggested that we meet for a late dinner afterwards, just the two of us, and unwind a little to celebrate surviving the day, and the 40 years before it. As I headed to the restaurant, I admitted to myself that I really just wanted to go home and relax. When I got to the restaurant, a hip, “dark” place I had never been before, my wife Kristen was already at the table. 5 years younger than me, she was definitely the “better half”. Long brown hair, D size breasts, and hips that I loved to hold on to while we made love. Her slim waist hid nicely the fact that she had given birth to three children and her green eyes sparkled in the light from the candle as she stood to kiss me. She looked beautiful tonight, and I was instantly glad I came.