[MF] Summer Fling with an Engaged Girl [long]

At the end of 2020, my long term, toxic relationship finally disintegrated. It was weird and messy and I’m definitely totally fine (why do you keep asking?), but overall I was happy it ended. After spending a few months in a depressive funk, my friend invited me to hangout with him and a bunch of other people he knew at a beach house. Basically, he was responsible for getting some of his family’s properties ready for the summer and fall rental season and he wanted some vaccinated people to hangout and party with after a year of lock down.

I’m not much of an extrovert but I still had that post break up hunger for freedom and trying new things so I thought I’d go down for at least a few days and just leave when I got bored or tired of the people there.

The only person I knew at the house was the friend that invited me but one of the guests immediately caught my attention. When I first saw Emily, she was in this blue one piece with a gold and white floral print and a plunging neckline. She had long black hair with dark brown eyes and soft, golden skin. She couldn’t be more than a few inches over five foot tall and the swimsuit did an incredible job showing off her cute little breasts.