[MFF] So(m)e Slutty Birthday (F)un

This story is about a house party back in college. My friend Johnny opened the door for my friend and I with a smile. “Ladies! Welcome to my birthday.” The party was already in full swing with your typical drinking games, people dancing, etc.

Hours later as the party was winding down, my friend Angie and I were in the bathroom together like girls inexplicably do when Johnny, dripping wet from an unfortunate incident with the keg, came barging in. “Oops! Sorry didn’t see you girls in here.” Without missing a beat Johnny turned on the shower, stripped off his beer soaked clothes, and jumped into the tub while we watched in surprise. Within seconds, Johnny’s head was poking back out of the curtain with a grin. “So…do you want to join?”

Angie and I looked at each other. “Well, it IS his birthday…” Angie trailed off. “Yes…YES It sure is ladies!!” We heard Johnny bellow from behind the curtain. With a laugh, Angie peeked inside the shower and then gave a little squeal as Johnny pulled her in, fully clothed. “Scarlett, sweet Scar, we’re getting a little lonely in here!”

Banging my Boyfriend and my Ex in the Same Night [MF]

I had been dating D long distance during grad school and would come home to stay with him during long weekends and holidays. One night while back in the city, I received a message from T, my former college boyfriend. He was moving to San Diego in two days and wanted to get together for drinks before he left the East Coast. We were on friendly terms but I hadn’t seen him in almost two years. After some hesitation, I decided to go, we were both in relationships so I figured we wouldn’t get into too much trouble.

We met up at his apartment. His girlfriend had already left for California and T stayed behind to wrap up some loose ends. A professional musician, T still hadn’t packed up any of his instruments. I sat down at his keyboard and starting mindlessly playing while we caught up on what was going on in our lives. T asked if I remembered some of the old songs we used to play together. Our plans to get drinks at a local bar were quickly abandoned as we spent the next few hours making up lyrics, drinking up the rest of T’s wine stash, and jamming out.