Friend Is Trying To Shrink Her Husbands Penis As Punishment

My friend recently caught her husband in a long term affair. This is the second time he’s been caught in an affair with a different woman this time. They are both in their late twenties, without kids and have been to swinger parties in the past.

All that said she is very much the dom in their relationship and has admitted to how kinky they can get. She’s also a full time ER nurse (guys if you want a kinky gal, find yourself a nurse. Trust me.)

Long story short after catching him cheating, after much fighting, and being split for almost a month she gave him an ultimatum. Amongst some other things she is making him wear a chastity cage 24/7 in the hopes that it will shrink his dick permanently over time.

After telling me all this, I was a bit skeptical. I’ve never done cock cages before, but I’ve read about them and have always wanted to try it, but I didn’t think it was possible to actual guys a man dick to permanently shrink.

No rather the following is legit or not, I can’t say. I would like to hear some advice below if any has experience in this area.

Softball Trip – My First Lesbian Experience

In my youth I played softball. On one away game 3 of us got stuck in a hotel room together. Normally there’s only 2 to a room but for whatever reason we were under-booked so I ended up sharing a bed with my friend Rachel.

Rachel and I were close friends. The kind of friends that had seen each other change a million times. We spent our summers together swimming at her parents pool, we double dated to the senior prom together etc. You get the idea. We’d been friends a long time. So needless to say when the following happened I was a more than surprised.

I wake up in the middle of the night being spooned by Rachel. Next thing I know her hand is squeezing in underneath my arm and starts to squeeze my breast over my shirt. At first I thought it was a joke. We’ve always joked liked this. Slapping each others ass, grabbing boobs, hell we’d taken showers together.

I didn’t take it seriously until her hand made it’s way underneath my shirt. Then both hands were groping and squeezing my breast. I remember thinking how nice it was to have someone that was gently and knew what she was doing. Unlike many of the guys I’d been with who just try and rip them off.

Observational Drug Test – Was Kinda Hot – True Story


For my new job I had to go do an “observational drug test”. I’ve gone through loads of drug test in the past. Typically once a year because of the type of work I do. I guess the rules have changed because people have been getting around it so now we have to do observational drug testing.

Finally – I’m an exhibitionist so it was exciting for me, probably not for most of you.


I go to the facility and give them the paper work. A young female and male in training (probably in their 20’s) immediately take me back to this room. I put all my stuff in a basket for them and they open the door to a little bathroom on the side.

On one end of the bathroom is a toilet, the other end is a large mirror. While they stood in the other room watching through the mirror they asked me to pull my pants down past my knees. I drop my pants all the way down to my knees and stand up. Ass in pink thong facing the mirror. They whisper a bit, can’t understand them, then the guy says “panties too”. I shrug like, did this guy just really say panties.

Getting naked [F]or the repair man

Recently my dryer stopped drying the clothes very well. It was taking 3 turns in the dryer to get them dry. I live in a two bedroom apartment with the washer and dryer in the hallway in between the two bedrooms. Basically in the living room. I’d been at work all day and the apartment super was going to let the repairman in.

When I got home from work the super, his son and the repairman were all in my apartment. We all talk a bit and they fill me in on the situation before the super and his son leave. After they are gone I head to my bedroom to change.

I’d been turn on all day and if you haven’t read my other stories exhibitionism is my biggest turn on. I leave my bedroom door wide open and start to get undressed. His back is turned from my door so he can’t see anything. Eventually I’m completely naked with him kneeling two feet away from me. He had no idea.