The Assist [FM]

I met my wife travelling for work, and decided to move to her city to give love a shot. It’s worked out great. As much as I’ve tried to cut back on my travel, I still have times where I’ll have to do extended trips. We’re both high libido, so the first few trips really sucked.. even with cameras phone sex just isn’t the real thing, and getting home every weekend or every other wasn’t always feasible. Eventually we had “the talk” and laid out ground rules for hooking up with other people; not quite polyamory, but definitely ethical non-manogomy. My wife is bi, so now she is able to scratch that itch without me.

My next trip was a two-month stay, during winter, up near the great lakes. Even with our new arrangement, I didn’t have a lot of hope to meet someone given the circumstances. The first few days my wife would ask how it was going, and seemed a little disappointed that I wasn’t trying harder. I was talking to her on the phone one morning while I was standing in line at the hotel coffee shop and noticed the woman in front of me having trouble with her credit card. I put my wife on hold and asked if the woman minded if I bought her coffee. She smiled, said thank you, and I went back to talking to my wife without thinking much about it.

Southern Hospitality – 3 of 3 [FM]

Last post of the story of how I met my wife.

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

When I moved down south, Mallory made me feel more at home than I ever had. I scaled back
my travel and put down roots over the next handful of months.

When she was on a bachelorette weekend, I drove over to her parents house and asked if they would give me their blessing. I stressed that I wasn’t going to propose soon, but I wanted them to know I was serious. They told me they had a shotgun and loved their kids, but ultimately gave me the go-ahead.

That Sunday afternoon when Mallory got back into town, she came over to my place and we decompressed (had sex and laid there) and she told me about her weekend. “When we get married, I don’t want all this drama.”

We actually hadn’t talked about marriage to that point, and when she realized what she said she looked to see if she scared me. I told her I’d marry her however she wanted, whenever she wanted. I admitted I’d already talked to her parents about it.

Southern Hospitality – Part 2 [FM]

Follow-up to [Southern Hospitality]( after a few requests.

After our first night (day?) together, I knew that I wanted to see more of Mallory. When I made it back to my room, I texted her that I had a good time (duh) and asked if I could take her out soon. She immediately said yes.

We hung out that next week, and I extended another week down south after some negotiating with my boss. By this point I knew I was going to marry Mallory, even though we hadn’t had the official relationship talk.

I asked the Site Director for the building I was working from if he’d be okay with me domiciling from his location.. moving there permanently. He gave me his blessing, so I called my boss and asked him. He told me he was already thinking about asking me to do just that, so the stars were aligning.

I texted Mallory and asked her what her favorite restaurant was, and told her I’d make reservations and pick her up. It was actually a really nice place, so I had to go buy a sport coat since I didn’t travel with one.

Southern Hospitality [FM]

When I travelled for my first job, if I was going to be somewhere for consecutive weeks I’d usually just stay for the weekend instead of dealing with the flights back and forth. I worked with some cool people who would invite me over to eat so I wouldn’t be stuck with restaurant food for weeks at a time.

I got invited to a cookout with a friend from work one weekend and was the youngest non-child there by a few decades. As I’m meeting folks, making small talk, and getting to know my friend’s friends, one of the ladies started asking a lot of questions about how I spend my time travelling. “Call home? Call your girlfriend? Hang out with people down here?” So I explain I’m single, talk to my parents a few times a week, and usually sit at the bar and eat. “Well, let’s introduce you to some folks.”

Next thing I know, her phone is out and she’s talking to someone. “Come over to the Jones’ house. I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

Business co[M]es [F]irst [MF]

My first job out of college had a lot of travel. Since I was 23 without a SO, I was volunteered more often than not to go to wherever needed the extra set of hands. I enjoyed the work, but I didn’t exactly get sent to the most exciting places.

After a day at a customer site, I went back to my hotel room to shower and change. I didn’t really feel like driving, so I walked over to a restaurant across the parking lot from my hotel and tried to sit at the bar. There was only one seat left, so I asked the woman sitting next to it if it was available. She says yes, then looks up at me with the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen.

As I sat down, I check her out. Late thirties, pixie cut, black skirt, black jacket, and white blouse. She’s a little heavier, but even under the jacket I can tell she has huge boobs.

[F]riday [M]orning Rebound [FM]

Something no one told me when I found myself single my senior year of college (after having a relationship for basically my entire undergrad) was that a lot of “friendzoned” relationships could blossom to more.

A few weeks after my breakup, I found myself at a Thursday night house party a block or so from my place. I’m not a huge weekday drinker, so I usually nursed a few drinks and chilled on the deck while whatever happened inside happened; this opened up conversations with people who come out for fresh air or to smoke.

Enter Jules. Jules has been in my life since our freshman year, and has always been one of my favorite people to talk to. Jules is a 5’-10” former volleyball player with very short black hair and an ass to die for. She also lived on campus on scholarship and was the only upperclassman I still knew in the dorms.

Jules comes out, obviously very drunk, and immediately starts asking me about my breakup. I wanted nothing to do with that conversation, so I deflected and get her talking about other things. We get rolling, and the sex topic comes up. Favorite this, best way to do that, etc. It’s the first time I’ve heard her talk this way, and honestly it’s super hot.

[MF] We were on a break!

My last semester of college, my girlfriend of three years broke up with me. Like anyone who was convinced they lost the love of their life, I was devastated. For a few days, I just sat around and felt sorry for myself, trying to go completely non-contact.

Enter Jen. I met Jen while we were at our orientation, the first weekend college. We immediately hit it off and went to different events together, but when we were alone and kissed for the first time we both laughed afterwards. “We’re best as friends.”

Jen had a boyfriend for a few years; a nice enough guy, but just a bore. Jen would normally hang out with us without him while he did whatever he did, then get a ride back to where ever they were sleeping. The night after my girlfriend ended things with me, Jen’s boyfriend broke up with her. Jen was pretty bummed, so we talked on the phone a few times then decided that we would go to a bar and hang out together.