If you draw a dick on my face I [m]ight have to hook up with your girl. At your b-day party. That she’s throwing [f]or you.

The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the ~~innocent~~ naughty.


Waking up hungover. Ugh, you know the feeling, that groggy haze blanketed over a headache. Even worse if you’ve got a flight in a couple hours to go see your folks over the holidays, so you head to the bathroom to take a shower, wash the smell of booze off of you, and make some feeble attempt to seize the day.

That’s when you realize, standing in front of the mirror, that you’ve got a cock-n-balls (among other things) scribbled on your face with a Sharpie.


Let’s roll back about 12 hours. My senior year again, but first semester – before I’d started hooking up with Megan ([from other stories](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gxsmh2/from_check_out_my_new_engagement_ring_to_bent/)). I honestly don’t even remember which holiday it was, coming up on either Thanksgiving or Christmas. I’m living in a house with two other people, and we had some sort of party with a bunch of folks over, including several from the racecar team I was working on. This includes my buddy Nick, and his girlfriend Sara.

Fro[m] “Check out my new engagement ring!” to bent over in [f]ront of me – couldn’t have been more than 5 minutes

The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the ~~innocent~~ naughty.


[Continuing from my last piece](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gxhpo3/the_intimacy_of_cumming_inside_a_woman_for_the/), Megan and I had *outrageously* good chemistry and tons of fun sex through our last semester of undergrad together.

Before we started hooking up she’d actually tried setting me up with her housemate, Big Breasts Becca (pretty hot in her own right), but B ultimately wasn’t interested. I remember the first time I fucked Megan at their place. She was *so* loud while I was giving it to her from behind that she tried stuffing her face down in a pillow to keep the noise down. I yanked the pillow away and threw it on the floor, filling their house with the sound of wild sex as she kept telling me to toss her around and fuck her brains out. She texted me the next day saying how at breakfast her housemates were all asking, “Who was the guy with the hot voice that kept you up all night??” Hopefully Becca was a little jealous, or at least had a hard time sleeping since she was in the next room over ;)

The inti[m]acy of cumming inside a woman for the [f]irst time… in the back seat of my car, while doing a beer run for my buddy!

Half raunchy, half just a fun story – because hey, we’re all friends here right? Yeah it’s a little long (that’s what she said) but where are you going tonight with the fuckin coronavirus anyway?

*The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the ~~innocent~~ naughty.*


Megan, Megan, Megan. I wouldn’t have survived senior year without you, for so many reasons. Yes, we’re taking it back to college days again, back when Maroon 5 was so unknown they were doing free concerts on campus. Megan will feature prominently in another story of mine so I’ll give you a little backstory (and of course I’ll describe her T&A you thirstyboys).

Megan and I were in undergrad together, graduating the same year in engineering (engineers can be freaks, don’t roll your eyes). But for our first 3.5 years we never so much as said hello to each other. She and her twin sister were the type to be in the very first row of lecture, looking all preppy, great students. I’d find some place maybe 10-15 rows back, usually just making it in time after doing a racecar project (some of you know what I’m talking about) and probably smelling like gear oil and covered in shavings of aluminum and steel.

Went to hook up with [m]y [f]riend, as ya do. But she neglected to mention what (or who) she’d just been doing…

*First foray into gwstories! Been meaning to do this for a while, so I’m going to pour a bourbon here on a warm Carolina evening and give it a whirl.*

The story you’re about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the ~~innocent~~ naughty.


Aubrey and I were ‘buddies’ in college. Who knows how we even first crossed paths – probably Myspace or Xuqa or one of those things that dates my dorm room days to the early-mid 2000’s.

Personalty wise, probably too much friction between us to ever be a couple. But friction makes heat, and we were *hot* for each other in bed.

She knew how to tease. Cute girl, girl-next-doorsy. Straight haired blonde. Lot of sports through high school, fairly fit and athletic without being “built.” Small perky breasts which I was more than happy with, perfect nipples, and this *amazing* peach of a round ass and some nice full thighs to go with. She knew all it would take is walking ahead of me back from the bars and lifting her skirt to flash her ass in a nice cheeky thong and I’d be all over her. Or we’d have the kind of chemistry… we ran into each other out at the bars on a St Patrick’s Day, she accidentally (?) spills a drink on my shirt, is all apologetic, “Omgg I’m so sorry, let me take this back and clean it… how can I make it up to you…?”