My doctor fingered me and I loved it

My doctor fingered me and I liked it…

I don’t know how it happened. He’d been treating me for a range of issues, mainly to do with energy, and the meds he’d prescribed were working. We had a check up appointment to make sure I wasn’t getting any bad side effects and to see if my dose needed adjusting. I had a list of all the symptoms we were treating so we could tick them off one by one to see if they were all responding to treatment (most were).

I was getting to the end of my list and remembered that I’d been having some vaginal swelling before treatment. I read it out loud and he asked if it was still present. I said I didn’t think so, but frowned because I wasn’t sure. He said he’d better have a look, and I agreed because it was going to be another two months until my next check up and it was worth checking out.