I went down on my good friend’s wife at New Year’s Eve party [MF][Cheating]

This happened last week at a New Year’s Eve party and I still can’t fucking believe it happened and have been walking on cloud nine/nervous as fuck all week.

Before you all think I’m a monster (and maybe I am, but please just try to enjoy the story first) let me introduce you to my friend Brad and his wife Courtney.

I’ve been friends with Brad since college when we were roommates freshman year. We became very close and had a great group of friends all through college, many of whom still hang out together to this day. He’s always been kind of a ladies man. It’s funny, because he’s average looking, but has always been able to get girls. Throughout college I saw him get with many girls, he was one of those guys always on the prowl.

After college he met Courtney. She was rather plain looking compared to some girls he’s been with, but pretty. She has always reminded me of a Jennifer Lawrence type if Jennifer Lawrence through her hair in a pony tail and had no make up on. Her body is fantastic though. She’s one of those girls who generally dresses fairly conservatively so that when you see her in a cocktail dress or bikini you’re sort of like “Oh shit, I forgot Courtney has such a great body.”