A corner office.

……. Slapping the brew button on my keureg I scrambled to to my closet leaving a trail of gym clothes behind me. I always hit the gym before going into the office and this morning was no exception. Flicking through business attire a hit the page button on my desk phote and summoned my new assistant, Randy. It was his first day and I needed to get him up to speed asap. If hes going to work in my office for my company he needed to be on his game immediately. Standing there in my briefs the thought never crossed my mind to cover up. After all I probably needed to assert my alpha role anyways. My business my domain.

Hearing the knock and giving the “come in bro” reply the door swung open…

Turning to greet my new assistant, my entire stomache instantly shot into my throat. To say that I was cought off gaurd is an understatement.

“Oh my, sir I am so so sorry…”

“Shit” I said audibly…..

“Um I’m your new assistant….Randi…”

Ohhhh RANDI! …I was expecting a guy.