Under the sheets…and into the mind. [F]

Posting this here as whilst it’s not erotic as such, it’s NSFW in the sense that it will appeal to a kink readership – Omo/ABDL. It will not be sexually explicit itself, but what you get off to is entirely your own business. ;)

1st chapter to test the water, the first dozen are written and ready to go.

Chapter 1

To the brash sounds of the latest guitar riff blaring from her phone, McKenzie Sumner awoke with something of a jolt, fumbling through still tired eyes as she tried in vain to silence the alarm for the third time that morning, before tossing it back onto her nightstand in frustration.

“Hey Siri” she mumbled gruffly “Snooze”, before laying back down and snuggling under the thick duvet that held the warmth in and shielded her from the start of her day, savouring a rare opportunity to lie in far longer than she should.

“Kenz, that’s the third time I’ve heard that damned song now! That means it’s now half an hour after you should have been up and getting ready for college.”