I [M]26 was her [F]18 dungeon master…

I always hated school. Education at high school was never that engaging for me and as a result when it came time to decide what i wanted to do afterwards I left education and got a job. Eventually I found a rut that I was going to get stuck in if I carried on doing what I was doing and I didn’t want to be working in the industry I found myself in.

So i decided to go to university.

I am a huge Dungeons and Dragons fan. I have always wanted to run a game and when I found out the university has a board game club which hosts people to form parties I signed up and started to build my campaign.

I had never met the players before session one. But one of them sent me an email (let’s call him Dave) asking if a friend of theirs could join the table. We were already full at that point (five people is my perfect party size) so I declined Dave’s request.
However, one of the other players dropped out and we were down to four. So Dave’s friend was allowed to come along.