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“Happy New Year, Master!” Cherry exclaimed, handing him a large bottle of Champagne. Upon inspection, the label had the same weird symbols he used to summon Cherry some months back. With a knowing grin, Cherry winked her dark chocolatey eyes at him. Eric quickly removed the foil and the metal cage around the cork, pointing the opening directly in front of him. He gripped the cork, tugging as he turned the bottom of the bottle when suddenly it popped off with a loud bang. Golden, frothy liquid poured out of the opening in a rush. The champagne piled upon itself, the fountain spray transforming into shimmery thighs that gave way to wide hips leading up to full, shapely tits. Finally, a round face formed with crisp white foam forming her eyes and hair, which stuck out in semi-transparent short, spiky layers around her liquid face.
“Master,” Cherry said, giggling a bit. “This is Bubbles, one of the elder sisters. I asked her to help us bring in the New Year the right way.”