[F] My Husband Received Snapchats from Across the Country of me Getting Pounded in a Hotel Room by a Stranger.

Hi everyone, this story is from before pandemic times – I worked as a flight attendant, and I would (often) hook-up with people when staying the night away from home.

My husband knew about this – and I would give him all the details of my escapades. Sometimes I would tell him through text, or tell him when I got home. This time was different.

On one of my flights, there was a particularly attractive man, around 10-15 years older than me. He caught my attention while he was boarding, and I couldn’t help but notice him sizing me up while I was doing the pre-flight announcements.

My interactions with him during the flight were very pleasant – he smiled at me a lot and told me where he was going, a little bit about his life. There’s not too much time to chat one-on-one on a crowded plane.

Fast forward to when we had landed – I was in the airport and heading toward the entrance so I could get our company cab to the hotel that was booked for us, when I bumped into the attractive man from my flight.

[F] My First Time Being Shared, aka, Discovering I’m a Hotwife

Hi! It’s me, Sarah, posting yet another story because I received great feedback on my last post.

For reference, I’m 5’2, 135 lbs. I have shoulder length blonde hair, with straight-across bangs and blue eyes. I’m 25 years old, but 21 at the time of this story.

Years ago, my at-the-time boyfriend had an upcoming birthday and I decided that I was going to let him know that I would be willing to do whatever it was that he wanted.

My boyfriend let me know that he had always wanted to have a threesome – I assumed he would want one with one of my friends, however it turns out he actually meant MMF. I agreed, and he went about setting it up.

Fast forward to the weekend that my boyfriend had planned – my boyfriend and I had a few drinks to let loose, when his friend had showed up. I answered the door, dressed for the occasion – tight black dress, with (of course), no panties or bra.

I [F] Blew My Boss for a Vacation

Hi! My name is Sarah, I’ve been a lurker here for a long time and decided that I should contribute as well! This is a story that happened a few years ago, but it seemed like a good one to start with.

For reference, I’m 5’2, 135 lbs. I have shoulder length blonde hair, with straight-across bangs and blue eyes. I’m 25 years old, but 22 at the time of this story.

I was about two weeks back from a vacation, and it had cost all my vacation leave for the year. My friends parents had offered to pay for all of us to stay at their rental in Florida. I really wanted to go, but had no leave left, and honestly couldn’t afford to take live without pay.

My boss at the time was an easy going, charming, pretty attractive man. He was twelve years older than me, but we got along great. We would have causal conversations, talk about life, share dirty jokes, and were sometimes a little flirty. Flirty enough for me to know that he found me attractive as well.