The Bachelor Party [MF]

Disclaimer: This is all true and every detail is accurate to the best of my recollection. I am aware that a lot of people don’t appreciate what I’ve done and that’s understandable – before I did it, I would’ve felt the same way. I spent a lifetime of being more of a good-goody than most people and it turns out that there was something inside of me that needed more. Perhaps it would have been best to realize it sooner than I did, but I don’t regret the experiences I had while fulfilling it – including this one.

On the way to the airport to head back home, my boss and I talked about what a fun week it had been and how neither of us could believe that it had happened. We discussed how continuing it would not end well, although we both longed for more. He asked me if I could have anything, what would it be. I told him that I’d like to do it one more time, but I’d want…”more.”

Wedding Night [F]un

This is a throwaway account because my usual reddit account has a lot of content in it and some pictures – my husband also knows it exists.

We got married at age 30 and were college sweethearts. He was only the second man I had ever slept with. I was pretty much a prude and was very boring sexually – I’d have never considered cheating until it actually happened.

The wedding was perfect and everything went as planned. The wedding location was beautiful and the reception was a great party – it was just a storybook night and everyone had a ton of fun. After the reception, we went back to the place where everyone was staying and within 30 seconds of getting into the room my husband passed out, just blackout drunk.

I was annoyed, but decided to get something to drunk, get undressed, and join him in the bed. The drinks in our room were all warm, so I made my way down the hall to the ice machine. One of the groomsmen was there and we chatted about my situation and kind of had a laugh. His girlfriend had to leave early for work because she’s an ER nurse. I mentioned that getting out of my dress was going to be an issue alone and he offered to help – I believe at this point there were no ulterior motives involved.