The Food Lover’s Guide to Exercise [MF, Fdom, FMG]

Kendra coughed and gagged as she rubbed her throat, trying to force the two terrible tasting pills down her throat. They were fat, gritty, yellow horse pills from a nondescript white container. It had taken several deep swigs of her soda drink, and even then Kendra practically gagged trying to get it down. "Ugh, that was rough. Just where in the hell did Ashli get these things?" She might not have even risked trying the pills if it hadn't been for the convincing email that a fan named Ashli had sent her.

FFAshli was a regular reader and subscriber of Kendra's blog: "The Riverside Gourmand". The blog had originally started as a hobby for Kendra while she reviewed dishes at various restaurants in her local area. Since then, however, it had exploded into a full time job and very popular food review blog that expanded to include subscribers and readership from all across the country. She now reviewed new dishes from popular chain restaurants as well as traveled twice a year on a food review pilgrimage that took her to all sorts of new restaurants across the United States' food landscape. Her blog was popular, and people enjoyed her witty writing and clever insights on even commonly ordered meals. People also relished in the occasional insights she shared about her travels and her personal life. Over the years her dedication to the blog and the high standards of her written presentation had earned her a large core group of gracious and dedicated fans. FFAshli, or 'Formerly Fat Ashli' as she had later identified herself, had clued in on the brief and subtle hints that Kendra was having problems in her home life.

Sapphire’s Weird Problem (Incomplete Dream-Induced Story) [MF, anal, lactation, Futanari, Male Sissification]

The following story is an incomplete 'scene' that played out in my mind during a very bizarre dream I had. I never finished it, but today is my birthday and I wanted to find some little gem in my incomplete story files to share. It might not be for everyone, but then, what story is?

Bill was driving home from work, when his phone lit up with a text message. "Please come see me. Something's happened, and I'm scared." It was odd, since it was from Sapphire, a friend of his who he chatted with occasionally. He was nearly home, but decided instead to come to her house. It was dark by the time he got there, and he knocked on the door to her apartment.

"Just come in, I'm in the bedroom," came a shout from inside. Bill wasted no time making his way there, glancing at the distraught mess of the room around him. He opened the bedroom door to find Sapph sitting on the edge of the bed, crying, and hugging herself tightly with her arms.

"What's wrong, Sapph?" he asked, approaching her, but she quickly wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

The Goddess of Sex [MF][Transformation][Cock/Breast Expansion][Magic]

This is an excerpt from a larger but incomplete story. The premise being that a pair of immortal creatures make a wager on which of their 'chosen' humans will abuse the powers they give them more. This is an excerpt from part of Nicole's day as a 'sex goddess'

The strange voice resonated in Nicole's head as she lay across the couch in her small apartment. “I shall grant you a gift; a small measure of my power” The voice carried a different tone now: a sultry note, a sexual note. Suddenly, Nicole felt something completely new: a presence inside her. It pulsed inside of her as blood rushed to her crotch. Her fingers dug into the couch cushions as a hard shaft was thrust in and out of her vagina. Her back arched and she screamed in pleasure. Her tiny form writhed and bounced with the new, intense sensations coursing through her body. She moaned and twisted trying to gain more and more pleasure from her invisible lover. Her black sweatpants began to slide down her legs to reveal her pink panties. Her nipples grew hard on her small, unrestrained breasts, poking gently through her t-shirt. A dark spot, wet and sticky, began to spread through the cloth of her underwear as she climaxed, a shriek tearing from her throat.

‘Catch Your Dreams’ [MF] [handjob] [nc] [dreamstate] [magic]

Walter held the knotted weave of entwined cordage; formed through the intensive work of skilled hands and finely stripped bark. The edges were laced with dark blue and black feathers, and tufts of animal fur.

"What's this thing?" he asked, glancing up at the old, half-blind Native American woman who was slowly rocking back and forth in an old rocking chair next to the table underneath a shady eave outside of a mostly run-down shed.

Amber, his cousin, answered. "It's a dream catcher, I think. They're supposed to prevent you from having nightmares, or something, if you put it up over your bed." She stepped behind him and picked up the dream catcher, turning it over to look at the intricate detail of the craftsmanship.

Walter had been spending the summer with his Aunt and cousin over the long hot summer. His parents had plans to take him along on a summer cruise they had been planning since the beginning of the year, but Walter's grades had sabotaged any and all chances for him to go. His parents were upset and disappointed, but they weren't going to let Walter's unmotivated laziness keep them from enjoying their trip. Aunt Deborah stepped up and volunteered to take Walter for the summer months to spend in Arizona at their home in the desert. Walter had spent the entire car drive grumbling. He was disappointed in himself. He was disappointed in his parents for leaving him behind while they enjoyed the perfect summer vacation.