My hall pass [MF], long

So for those who asked, this is the story of the first time I used my hall pass. Here’s the story of my wife’s first use- she actually got to use hers before I did. This was really early in our opening our relationship.

So as some of you might remember, I’m a college professor. In my discipline it’s expected that you go to one or two professional conferences every year. My wife and I thought that this would be my best bet- after all, it’s where she got fucked by someone else the first time.

And her getting fucked was one of the best things that happened to us. If our sex life was good before, it was turbocharged now. She started to embrace her sluttiness- she had plenty of experiences in high school and college- but there was always that little bit of guilt and shame that was part of it. The fact that I allowed her to let that part of her come out, and encouraged it, was a huge step for her. It started becoming a pretty regular part of our talk during sex:

My wife and I and the unhappy neighbor [MFM]

There were a couple of requests for my own hall pass story. I’ll probably post that one next, but I wanted this one first.

This takes place a couple years after we had opened things up in our marriage. We had gotten on the main adult dating websites and had attended a couple of hotel parties. We were getting more comfortable with ourselves in this world, but we still had a strict “keep it out of the neighborhood” rule. But then we bent that one a little.

To set the stage, we were involved socially with a group of couples in our neighborhood. Most of us had kids around the same age, which is how we got to know each other. Sometimes the wives would do a girls night out, and on one of them after some drinking, the discussion turned to some of the more adventurous experiences they had had. One of the other women, call her Kelly, admitted to having a threesome with her roommate and her roommate’s boyfriend in college. Of course my wife, feeling no pain, told the group that we had had one also. Thankfully she didn’t talk about everything we done, but it put it out there that we were maybe least a little adventurous. When my wife told me about it, I was initially a little angry because we were trying to keep things quiet, but it seemed to blow over with no consequences.

She (F) used her hall pass [MF], long

In my first story about Kim the college student there were a couple of comments that implied that I didn’t seem to care about my wife or being married. This story might help correct that mistaken assumption. The reality is we have had some variation of an open relationship for years. The only reason I didn’t tell her about Kim is that we both agreed college students should be off limits. Mea culpa.

Anyway, this story took place before my story about Kim. All of my other stories to come are possible because of this one. I probably should have posted this one first.

I’ve recreated the dialogue- it isn’t word for word, but it’s as close as I can remember it.


Like most couples that have been married a while, my wife and I got into a bit of a rut in our sex life. We did our best to keep the spark alive, but after a while even the most interesting positions start to seem routine. BDSM added some excitement to the mix and we both still loved it, but we were looking for new inspiration.

I [M] college professor, fucked my [F] student. Part 3 (last part)

First part here: [](

Second part here: [](

There were a couple of hours between class and office hours. Usually I would grab a coffee at the campus coffee shop, but I was already keyed up enough that I went straight back to my office. I did my best to focus on the thousand stupid tasks that have to get done at the end of any semester, but I couldn’t and I kept getting hard. I rubbed myself a couple of times through my pants, but didn’t want to actually jerk off because I was afraid I’d cum.

I managed to make it to office hours, and of course there were way more students wanting to talk to me than usual.

Student: “What can I do to improve my grade in the class?”

Me: “You should have tried reading the readings and coming to class.”

Student: “Hey, I was just wondering when the final is.”


It was almost enough to kill my hard-on. Almost.

I [M] college professor, fucked my [F] student. Part 2.

First part here: [](

Thanksgiving was long. But with all of the craziness of the holidays it was easy to get distracted. And honestly, I sort of relaxed about the whole thing. As excited as I was, I knew where this was going. It was pretty clear she wanted to fuck me, and I had made up my mind that I was going to fuck her, so I could actually enjoy the buildup. But I did make preparations. I got condoms and they went into my desk drawer the Monday we got back.

Monday I walked into class and it was like it never happened. Kim was all smiles and friendliness, but that knowing smirk was gone. It went that way all week. And office hours started with the usual thoughtful discussion and some light flirting, but that was it. If I was a college-age guy I might have been confused or even a little worried. But this isn’t my first rodeo and I didn’t take the bait. I knew where we both wanted this to end up, but she obviously wanted to play the “make him beg” game. Well, I can play that game too. So I was friendly and flirted right back, but didn’t make any piercing or tattoo comments or make any mention of what happened between us. When she got up to leave, she lingered in the doorway and made a few more comments. I got the sense she was waiting for me to shift the conversation to something more suggestive, but I just wished her a good weekend and she left. Now let’s see who’s fantasizing over the weekend.

I [M] college professor, fucked my [F] student. Part 1.

I made this account just to post some true stories I’ve always wanted to tell.

I’m a married professor in my late 40s. I teach in the social sciences at a big public University in the American midwest. I teach mostly large lecture-style classes, mostly to juniors and seniors. Several times in my career I’ve gotten signals from students that they were interested in me, but out of concern for my job (even post-tenure) I never did anything to encourage any of them. I’m no angel, but I don’t want to get fired over a fling.

One fall semester a few years ago that changed. I was teaching a course I’d taught several times before. The class is big enough that I don’t get to know many of the students well, but there are always a few that make it a point to make themselves known. Many of them are looking for a good grade and seem to think that by sucking up all semester during office hours I’ll go easy on them. They’re transparent and tedious. Some plan to go into the field and have genuine questions about grad school and the discipline- they’re more fun to talk to. But a few just seem genuinely intellectually curious, and I enjoy talking to those the most.