[MF] How I went from submissive Co-Worker to Slave Husband? Part 9

Commentary: For those that have been with me, reading from the beginning 10 days ago, or have caught up along the way…… Thank You. Everyone has been patient, as I know this is NSFW. But my story is deeper and more complex………hope some of that loyalty pays off moving forward………and happy spanking……….?for some?

Let me get this out of the way right out of the gate. What happened over Xmas wasn’t fair in anyway. 6 months ago I was awaiting word on how much I would have to pay my mistress in order to fuck her, and now I know she is a virgin; I have no idea what it will cost; I’ve been told I’ll never get to fuck her; and when I’m finally allowed to have sex I’m fucking a Vagina mold. The worst part is that I’m in love with the person doing all of this to my life.

[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to Slave Husband? Part 8

Author Commentary- Not feeling very motivated today but I’m going to work my way through it. My (by proxy) is not here at the moment. I could use some slave work in Charlotte. :) who needs me? Joke, sort of….ok let’s get to work.

And by the way….this is not a watersport fetish post. )Not that I have an issue with that, because I’m not one to judge) But if you have read my previous chapters this is not all my mistress is about. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did………….

So now that I have begun my toilet training I’m in a pretty good place. At least 3x per week I wake up to my mistress letting me drink her pee at night, the rest of the time mistress sleeps thru the night and I have to patiently wait until she wakes up in the morning before I’m allowed to take a drink. But, after she uses my mouth as a urinal each morning, takes her first sip of coffee, and nods her approval, I’m also allowed to enjoy a cup of coffee as well. In addition, although I wouldn’t want it to be the only thing I drink each day, I was actually starting to look forward to it. The selfish side of me enjoyed being underneath her of course, but the fact that she lets me have a cup of coffee while she sends a few early emails was extremely gratifying for me.
I’ll admit, the thought crossed my mind that she was perhaps doing all of this just to see how far she could push it, but I was hoping it was because she loved me. So I just kept working at it.

[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to Slave Husband? Part 7

Commentary- in part 6 I made the mistake of speaking without asking first (again). Anyone that has been somebodies full time slave before, understands how hard this can be. So I screwed up, and paid the price (at least initially). In the end I think I got the better end of the deal.

I would love to tell everyone that this was a dream of mine and that I couldn’t wait, but the truth was I didn’t want to do it. So like a child that gets punished I asked mistress to “please don’t” and “I’m sorry” but she wouldn’t budge. I assume now this was because she had already planned to add this as a part of my ever growing list of mental and physical demands that would eventually mold me into a completely subservient slave.
On the very first night it was bad enough that I had to sleep on the hardwood floor because she removed my mattress, but now I was up every hour, because I didn’t want to fuck up in the middle of the night by not waking up on time. Then I’d be up licking it off the floor all night.

[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to Slave Husband? Part 6

Author Commentary – thanks for feedback on part 5 I had a little time last night and explained a bit more. No problem if some didn’t love it. Again this was my life at the time and what I did. For me…..for her……and now for you. This chapter is much longer, and has a few surprises along the way….btw someone did ask how long ago this was………..the present story time is About Sept/Oct 2010 at this point.

By about the 7 month mark of our arrangement I felt like our relationship was beginning to turn a corner. In many ways I felt like any normal couple with a few variations. She handled the finances, yes, but I thought of it as a joint account. And concerning the allowance which was averaging anywhere from $85-$135/week I really didn’t need anything. Most Saturday afternoons, sometime after lunch we would go to the supermarket together, mostly so she could control what we ate each week. Which worked out pretty well because I had been cooking my own meals since the age of 11. Growing up Italian in a divorced household, both my father and grandfather cooked, I just had to tweak my cooking a bit by adding some healthier meals because she insisted that we stay in shape. That was easier for me because she would limit my calorie intake. Not to the point of being malnourished, but I really wasn’t allowed to snack, drink soda, or eat chocolate.

[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to Slave Husband? Part 5

How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to Slave Husband? – Part 5

I have a little more time this afternoon to go a bit further today, but it may not be as long as this morning? I’m going to slow down a bit and try to pick up right around where I left off, because I veered off the little game my mistress had put in place that I wanted to confess.

To briefly recap. My fiancé and I are over, and while in a somewhat dark place I sink myself into being everything for my mistress. I move in, start handing over my paychecks (but I get an allowance of $110 week). I’ve committed myself to her and have now signed a contract.


[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to Slave Husband? – Part 4

A few days ago I began to run through my life/situation and how I got here and while every decision led to another and then another, there are a few days that are just different or bigger. This Part of my life………..I guess you can say is one of them.

DECISION TIME ….so I thought

To state the obvious; on one hand I’ve hit the Lottery and on the other I’m in a huge jam, of my own doing. In an effort never to prejudge I’ll let you decide which is the lottery and which is the jam, because only those that have ever wanted two equal, but very different things at the same time, truly understand where I’m coming from.
Maybe I ended up where I was going to all along, or maybe I chose my fate thru all my prior decisions. Call it a straight line, a wrong/right turn or a course correction that led to the weekend in question. What happened…….happened……….I like to hold on to the belief that I ended up with what I needed, and that we end up with the life we ask for, even if don’t think we are asking.

[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to trained Slave Husband? Part 3

Sorry I ended abruptly a bit earlier I had things to take care off. I’ll try to finish up where I left off and write a bit more for today. It’s been great to go back and remember all of this from years ago. I can’t believe I’ve never taken the time or had an opportunity to discuss all of this before. At some point I’ll tell everyone how I got to the present day. Maybe by then I’ll know why I’m doing this. Sorry my writing is a bit off. I’m not a writer, I’m just a guy with a story to tell that happens to be my actual life. And please ask me any question you want. Except …….did all of this happen? Yes it did and I won’t answer that one again.

Ok where were we………………..

[MF] How I went from Submissive Co-Worker to trained Slave Husband? Part 2

For those that are reading for first time I had always thought of myself as the dominant one but After flirting with a Co-Worker for a few weeks she somehow found a crack in me and was now exploiting it. Story picks up about 3 weeks into my new role. My underwear drawer is depleting rapidly (part 1) and for the first time in my life I am being told that I have to wear her panties.

My instructions were given to me on Friday, and once again as I did often in the first few months I seriously considered backing out. As I said before I’m about to get married to a beautiful blonde, exetremely cool, great body, she is even bi-sexual. To be honest she was almost perfect. Yet here I was 2 days later going into the bathroom to put my pants on because I had to squeeze (seriously squeeze) into a XS pink g string. Trust me it was tight and while it may have been irrational to think about I couldn’t help the paranoid feeling that my fiancé most know something is up. Anyway, I slipped into my Mistresses panties and although they were tight I’m embarrassed (looking back on it at least) that my bigger problem was how good they felt on my balls. I got in my car and drove to work unashamed. I was even feeling pretty lucky about the fact that she gave me a G String, as I was pretty sure nobody could tell. Regular panties would have bothered me more.