Primal Ceremony [FM, Hedonistic)

“We just think you’d be happier there,” said my mother, my father standing next to her, looking anywhere but at me. It was an awkward subject.

“They have a ceremony there, they’re really interesting people…” She trailed off.

There’s no good way to say “you’ve fucked most of the village so we’re sending you away” but I understood what she meant. And after all, I was being sent to a tribe known for their hedonistic ways. I was bound to enjoy it, right? Elders would often blush when describing their behavior at clan meet ups. I was a bit nervous, but I felt that familiar pull at my core—the primal urge that led me to this situation.

It was a six day journey. I spent my time observing my new people. It was a small group. Two were lean and supple, their muscles rippling beneath chestnut colored skin. Another was stout, more barrel chested, and obviously strong. The women were thick, with muscular thighs and soft, full breasts. We exchanged glances, curious. They were much more blatant with their gaze. I would blush and look away, but they would hold steady.