[FM+] Daddy’s Little Moneymaker (Pt. 2)

“Pia why don’t you help me out with my cards,” Jeff beckoned, waving a couple fingers for me to join him at the table. I stood and adjusted my [too-small top](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piabunnyx/comments/j4qnbp/gorgeous/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) back over my soft brown nipples, before clicking over to the table with the drool from Uncle Benny’s blowjob still on my chin.

“Your pop always deals the cards s’damn far from my reach, think he just likes watchin’ me suffer,” Jeff shot a teasing glance at my dad over his thick spectacles. He was the oldest of the bunch, pushing 60 with the gray hair to match. Jeff was by no means frail, just tired of stretching over the table, and preferring to watch me do it.

Daddy looked me over, then shuffled and smoothly tossed the cards in front of each of the men. Jeff’s cards did land surprisingly far from his side of the tabletop, and I pressed my thighs against the edge to lean across and collect them for him. Across from me, Hank’s deep brown eyes looked like they might fall out onto the table as my tits brushed the green felt of the table and I slid Jeff’s cards over to me.

[FM+] Daddy’s Little Moneymaker (Pt. 1)

Ever since mommy left, my daddy’s poker games have become a huge hit with the rest of the neighborhood dads. He has a huge, green felt table in the basement, surrounded by a big screen TV, a huge comfy leather couch, and an industrial-sized cooler that never runs out of beer.

The other dads always talk about how he’s ‘living the life,’ and complain about how annoying their wives and their kids are. They like talking to me though. In fact, after I stopped in one day before going to the pool, daddy asked if I could spend Sundays hanging out with him and the other guys that play cards with him.

They always compliment me and tell me how lucky my dad is to have me around. I’m the lady of the house now that I’m 18 and mom’s gone, and daddy tells me how important it is for me to take over the things that mommy used to do.

So when he bought me a [special outfit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piabunnyx/comments/j4qnbp/gorgeous/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) to wear to the poker games, I was excited about the new clothes and how he smiled when he saw me in it.