Shivering in my seat, I start to feel impatient and annoyed. I had a long day and all I wanted to do was go home and curl up in blankets with a glass of wine. Instead I was stuck in a chilly car waiting for him to get done picking something up in the gas station. He told me to wait here, and that it would be just one second. 20 minutes later and I’m frozen through and ready for a night of pouting. I tilt my head back and closing my eyes, trying to relieve some of the tension from my neck. Finally, I hear the door open and shut as he slides into the seat next to me.
“Took you long enough” I let out with a touch more snark than I intend. When I do not receive the smart ass reply I expect, I turn to face you only to be startled by the face of a stranger. As I open my mouth to scream, a cloth is shoved inside and a strip of tape is placed across my lips to prevent me spitting out the makeshift gag.