bdsm room , insane visual hallucinatory sex , bdsm props , rough sex , cheating , breakup

I head out to the African market to buy quinoa chips , and walked back towards my house to notice Yuval pull up at exactly the same time , horizontal panes of light and shadow where across his face , I knew it was him , yet I cant tell with the beard I joked to myself , as I veered to the right to double check and Yuval rolled down his window for me to get in … his face went incredibly close to mine like anime , with his eyes not quite bugging out just enlargening with swollen passion …we drove off past his house and onto the interstate after we already agreed too meat for passionate bondage style sex at his place after he said on the telephone , “ I cant invite you over my house , you just cry and break everything ,” I jokingly retorted , “ so tie my hands and only let me go for bathroom breaks “ “ okay I’d rather stay at home anyways” and now where turning onto the highway overpass to I hope not fuck in an abandoned alley again though I do enjoy it from time to time , “ so I booked the room for 3 hours.” Omg he booked the bdsm room after all , I’m so nervous I cant even submerge myself into my mind to visualize myself there . I’m just happily chittering and stuffing chips in my mouth hoping that its cute and not monstrous . …..Yuval looked at my psychic impression drawing …he also told me to worry about myself and not him so I just freaked out on how to afford food ,.