After the Office Christmas Party [MF]

Our team Christmas party was this past Friday, and let’s just say that the night turned out differently than I thought it would.

It wasn’t really a party, more like a Kris Kindle gift thing in the conference room, and then drinks out in town. We’re a big group – just over 30 people – and it’s hard to know everyone’s taste. Last year some of the gifts got a bit out of line, and one girl got offended by the “overt sexual nature” of the gift she was given, so it was decided that this year everyone would give each other Christmas decorations, nothing that could be misinterpreted or send some worked up girl running to HR.

I spent the majority of the gift exchange eyeing Siobhan, hands down the hottest girl in our office. She is two, maybe three years out of university, a sort of natural blonde, and she was always flirting with me, so I thought that maybe the Christmas drinks would be a good opportunity to take it to the next level. On Friday she had chosen black leather pants and stilettos, with a tight red sparkly V-neck jumper showing off her ample assets, and a little red Santa hat to top it off. She was the self-declared Master of Ceremonies for the Kris Kindle, and based on her outfit and enthusiasm, this year’s Christmas festivities appeared promising.