The following is part 2 of an adult themed story series set within the Warhammer 40k Universe by games workshop, being familiar with the setting might help with understanding what going on but is not necessary.
I’ll be posting the adult stuff at []( along with this chapter.
so, enjoy..and please give feedback as I rarely hear from anyone.
Chapter 2 The Echo.
“Lock the foyers entrace doors, I am not to be disturbed for the next few hours.”
“Understood Baron.”
Seruzon Valiene, Baron and leader of his house and ‘resort’, clicked off the intercom and slipped the last of his vintage Malterwine. He paused for a moment, gazing at the dull reflection through the archaic computator device that had been passed through his family since before they arrived in Gamenor. His mind wandered as he noted his handsome features, further honed by wealth and a life of privilege. His mind wondered back to his earlier days.