Morning Masturbation Meditation- Spiritual/Witchcraft

She wanted to further her practice in connecting spiritually to the Earth so she decided to do her morning meditation in the nude. As she sat down, the morning grass still damp with dew gently tickle her anus and vagina. She takes a few deep cleansing breaths to geound herself into the space. A cool breeze makes her nipples hard and erect. The sun’s warm rays caress her skin, giving her goosebumps and a tingling feeling spreads across her body. She continued through her sun salutation yoga practice noticing when she bends over the pleasant warmth of the sun on her anus.

As she entered shivasana she could not help but think about the pleasant sensations she felt. Soon her own vagina was warm and damp like the ground beneath her. She entered a deep trance like state through focusing her breath. Feeling it enter and exit her body while her chest rose and fell. She felt as if she has melted into the Earth and was breathing in sync with Mother Nature. She could not ignore the pulsing feeling between her legs activating her root Chakra. The energy she felt was immense as it gradually built up inside her. She felt a primal and animalistic urge inside her. She wanted – no she NEEDED to be closer to the Earth.