Craigslist success (MF)

Craigslist isn't a really a thing in Australia but I found myself hungover and lounging in proper holiday mode, bored and horny, replying to the normal scamers and spammers. An add got my attention 'need somewhere to hang before work' she replied thanking me for my pic that wasn't another dick pick and we got chatting. I had the house to myself and invited her over, she decided the 40 minute drive was worth it and headed over. I did a mad scramble to clean up a little and had a shower, then she texted to say she was close and did I need anything – this sounded promising, she might actually come. Cracked a bottle of wine and poured myself a large glass to calm the nerves.

Then the text I sort-of expected 'sorry, chickened out, anxiety, sorry to waste your time' damn – oh well sounded too good to be true. Replied saying no stress, understanding it's a big thing to just go to a strangers house. Texted back and forth a few times, trying to reassure her she wouldn't regret it. Eventually she asked if she could come use my toilet and would show me her art to break the ice.