In front of an audience [Very Long][MFF][CUCK]

In my last submission I told how I got into cuckolding. It was not a regular thing at first. And my SO, Olivia, our friends, Ava and Cal, and I swapped or played as a group of three or four just as often as we “roleplayed” cuckolding. With Cal being a dominant and brutal fuck machine making the girls hurt and scream in pleasure. And me being the wimp, who just watches.

Chastity and bi-sexual aspects of cuckolding is something I am not comfortable with or interested in, so those things we never did. But I have to confess that I started to read a lot of cuckold fiction and for whatever reason I have to say, I am into the humiliation, just as much as into the erotic sight, whenever I play cuckold. Don’t get me wrong. I like to play a dominant role to enjoy myself once in a while too.

Unbeknownst to me Cal was having the exact opposite reaction. He really was into the power dynamic, even if it was just a play. Having Olivia and sometimes Ava at the same time in front of me. He wasn’t so much into the humiliation, but the feeling of power.

From swapping to cucking [MFF]

I definitely did not see my being into cucking coming. Even less did I expect to enjoy it so much. Infrequently my SO, Olivia, and I did partner swapping with our college friends, Ava and Cal.

Cal is athletic and has a pretty thick accent, which made him depending on the person you asked hotter or scary. Olivia is a petite redhead with B-Cups. Ava is blonde, wears glasses and has what amounts to C-Cups.

We only do infrequent swaps, when Cal and Ava come to visit for some reason or another. When the both of them were in town on the occasion in question it was rather short-notice and unexpected and I was caught in a work function I couldn’t drop out of.

Until now whenever we had play time, we preferred to keep the swapping to separate rooms whenever it happened, as we agreed knowing and seeing would be different things.

We had agreed that Olivia could play with Cal and Ava, while I was caught at work. When their call came they would be in town on short notice. I didn’t really mind. At first somehow I did not however think of the possibility of them having a threesome. This changed however during the day, as the possibility came to my mind and I wanted to join or at least see for the first time in my life, how Olivia got it on with Cal and Ava.