Confessions of a Salesman. M27

Hello there. Please excuse my acts of misconduct. I have a problem… sorry for the typos too… I’m writing this at 3am.

I have spent the last seven eight years of my life in a populous northeastern city of you the US. During this time I have gone from struggling college kid to struggling carpenter to general contractor and finally a, somewhat, thriving salesman.

I sell real estate. I rent apartments. I’m a realtor. I spend my days showing apartments to all sorts of people and analyzing new listings for investors. The majority of my time is spent in the car and the office. I am either on the move handling appointments or at my desk trying to manage a deal.

I wish that I had found this profession so much earlier in life but we can’t live backwards, unfortunately. The freedom of this job has enabled me to flourish financially and personally. I finally feel like myself. Helping people acquire real estate investments that will generate them money for years to come makes me happy. Assisting with single family deals is fun as well but not much makes me happier than seeing a friend or client close on a deal be a sound long term investment.