Library. Fine. [MF]

While our sexual ardors cooled over time, we never really lost our affection for public sex. My wife was forty and feeling her oats. She’d regained her figure and was looking as hot as ever.

It was the end of summer and we were visiting my daughter at Shakespeare Camp in Staunton, VA. It’s a quaint, small town with a woman’s college, and a replica of The Globe Theatre.

It’s also home of the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library. My daughter was in rehearsal for the evening performance and we had some alone. We walked over to the library and it was closed.

However, there was a small,secluded courtyard adjacent. It was a walled area, lined with a landscaped garden. Pretty. Secluded.

Ever the opportunist, I walked up behind my wife and slid my hands around her waist. I kissed her neck and moved my hands up slowly, cupping her breasts and rubbing her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. I rubbed my hardening cock against her leg. She moaned, pushing backwards into me, then stiffened and stopped. “We can’t do it here, we’ll get caught” she whispered.

She said she was a Holy Roller, but that’s not how she rolled [MF]


Christy came into my life like a photo bomber. She had a way of showing up in the picture and I had no idea how she came to be there.

She was friendly with, Janice, a woman who lived in my apartment complex. We were on ‘waving and smiling’ terms. Over time Christy, who was often around, signed onto the ‘waving and smiling’ practice. So I now had two waving and smiling acquaintances. That’s how it progressed for a while, with the occasional smiling, then waving thrown in.

They were both attractive women. Christy, more so. Imagine a slimmer version of Kirsty Alley combined with Amy Adams; shiny black hair, soft grey eyes, pert nose, a glowing complexion and an electric smile. She wasn’t slim, but she carried herself well and seemed comfortable in her skin.

From what little I knew about them, I gleaned that Janice was a wine distributor and Christy was a buyer for a wine store nearby. One night the store was hosting an event featuring ‘wines of the world.” I’m an avid cook, but when it comes to wine, I drink what’s in front of me, so I thought I’d go along and learn something.

She [F]inally had her way with [M]e.

Christy came into my life like a photobomber. She had a way of showing up in the picture and I had no idea how she came to be there.

She was friendly with, Janice, a woman who lived in my apartment complex. We were on ‘waving and smiling’ terms. Over time Christy, who was often around, signed onto the ‘waving and smiling’ practice. So I now had two waving and smiling acquaintances. That’s how it progressed for a while, with the occasional smiling, then waving thrown in.

They were both attractive women. Christy, more so. Imagine a slimmer version of Kirsty Alley combined with Amy Adams; shiny black hair, soft grey eyes, pert nose, a glowing complexion and an electric smile. She wasn’t slim, but she carried herself well and seemed comfortable in her skin.

From what little I knew about them, I gleaned that Janice was a wine distributor and Christy was a buyer for a wine store nearby. One night the store was hosting an event featuring ‘wines of the world.” I’m an avid cook, but when it comes to wine, I drink what’s in front of me, so I thought I’d go along and learn something.

The [M]agical night I [F]lipped the script.

Frequent lurker. First time poster. Comments and emails welcome.

Christy came into my life like a photobomber. She had a way of showing up in the picture and I had no idea how she came to be there.

She was friendly with, Janice, a woman who lived in my apartment complex. We were on ‘waving and smiling’ terms. Over time Christy, who was often around, signed onto the ‘waving and smiling’ practice. So I now had two waving and smiling acquaintances. That’s how it progressed for a while, with the occasional smiling, then waving thrown in.

They were both attractive women. Christy, more so. Imagine a slimmer version of Kirsty Alley combined with Amy Adams; shiny black hair, soft grey eyes, pert nose, a glowing complexion and an electric smile. She wasn’t slim, but she carried herself well and seemed comfortable in her skin.

From what little I knew about them, I gleaned that Janice was a wine distributor and Christy was a buyer for a wine store nearby. One night the store was hosting an event featuring ‘wines of the world.” I’m an avid cook, but when it comes to wine, I drink what’s in front of me, so I thought I’d go along and learn something.