My twin and I [19] had our first experience with anal in our mom’s shower [inc] [m/f]

This is part of a series, but this part can easily be read on its own.

**TLDR**: my sister and I have been ‘together’ for a few months, and we spent most of last summer fucking. This part takes place after several hours of sex, while we had the house to ourselves for the day. If you’re curious about what we were up to before this, you can get started [with this](


Just like every other room in the house, our mother’s bathroom was hot. An uncomfortable, pressing heat that seeped right to the bone. Even when I was nude like this, the air felt awful. This summer really had been merciless.

There was a lot of space in the room: a closet, a walk in shower, a bath, a toilet, and two sinks – all in a comfortable palette of smooth tan. More importantly, there seemed to be a distinct lack of Noelle. Just as I was about to look for her somewhere else, a cheerful voice piped up from behind the glass of the shower.

“In here, babe!”

[M]e and my twin sister fucked on a hot summer day Part 3 [incest] [M/F]

[Part 1](

[Part 2](


Our slow kiss quickly fell into something far more ravenous. I took hold of her waist, clinging to her tightly in a greedy grapple for her flesh. My other hand went down, immediately soaked by the inextinguishable hotness that leaked from her folds. She moaned as my fingers explored, titillating breaths that answered to every push and touch. I swallowed every sound, my mouth glued to hers as our tongues engaged in an unending tangle, as our lips touched and as our fingers wandered. One hand held me by the nape, the other traveled to my thigh, begging for a hardened shaft, and to our delight found an erection reformed.

In a similar fashion as to how we’d gone from the kitchen to the couch, we went from the couch to the kitchen, slowly moving while we tasted and touched with nothing in mind but our primal hunger, a revived desire to fuck like crazy.

[M]e and my twin sister fucked on a hot summer day Part 2 [incest] [M/F]

[Part 1](


**Contains: brother x sister, affection, dirtytalk, cock worship + oral, sweat, swallowing**


Noelle stirred on top of me, her heat and uncomfortable sweatiness pulling me out of my daze. I’d almost fallen asleep. I felt my cum drip on me as she lifted me out, my softened shaft then hanging lonely between my legs. The summer air was still ever present, and the closeness of her body, combined with the action earlier, made for an uneasy fever of warmth. Her movements were an almost relieving departure from that unbearable heat, but still, any distance between us wasn’t worth it. She stood up, shakily, steadying herself on the couch before getting upright in front of me, the full glory of her lovely body revealed. She practically glistened with sweat, though it made her curves ever more radiant, perhaps even defining them better. Almost aligned with my eyes, her lower lips were dripping, a messy slick of cum spottling a pink softness.

[M]e and my twin sister fucked on a hot summer day [incest][b/s]

**Sex activity starts after the ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()**


Harsh sunlight bled through the cheap blinds, projecting lines across the length of my room. I could feel them against my body, the bright source of the oppressive outside heat leaving me sweltering even in the shelter of my room. Flat and spread eagle on my bed, all I could do was sigh, letting the uncomfortable hot distribute itself over my body. Sweat had already appeared, dried, and reappeared throughout the morning, the miserable course of this heat wave hardly half over. I readjusted my boxers, giving what lay underneath a chance to breath.

My mind went to thoughts of cold breezes, of ice and functioning air conditioners. This was perhaps the worst time to have a power outage; there was limited fridge use, since opening it would let the cold air out, and obviously no fans or AC. My hands wandered to the bedside table, and I fumbled for my bottle. Smooth metal that was usually cool was now warm to the touch. I brought it to my mouth and swallowed the last few uncomfortably heated droplets. At least the plumbing still worked. I slid off the bed with the bottle in my hand, pulled on a shirt and shorts, and made my way to the kitchen.